What is the correct way to give to others?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self What is the correct way to give to others?

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 112 total)
  • Author
    • #385315
      Alexandra Toma

      Giving without expecting anything in return

    • #385217

      Giving without the want to receive anything, altroistic. Enjoying the act of giving.

    • #383449

      To give to others thinking and feeling that the source of this giving is an endless abundance and it is what the Creator wants us to have. It is not I who’s giving (I don’t really have anything to give) but everything comes from above.

    • #383219

      Giving in order to please the receiver without any self benefit

    • #373604
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      I recently had a small kitten in my arms and I was so happy to hold and give warmth, affection, kindness, and so on. The more this kitten purred and enjoyed being in my arms, the more I enjoyed it’s company. It felt very nice to be gentle with small creature and I thought that perhaps this was the way we should be with others, however I think I see the difference between bestowel for the sake of reception (mine not the kitten’s) and a reception for the sake of bestowel, as in reception from the G-d for the bestowel to others. These sudleties are deep.

    • #368979

      From the desire of bestowal towards the creator.

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