What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

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    • #60646

      Your intentions create your daily reality

    • #58610

      From what I’m learning  intentions are what separate us from the Creator… Until I can learn to correct my intentions spiritually. All my acts in my daily reality are egotistical. So I try to be a good person and cling to  Lo lishma will lead to Lishma  (I hope that makes sense)

    • #57777

      My thoughts arise only by my desires. without that, there is no thought. so to understand myself better i need to be aware of my desires  which produce my thoughts.

    • #56157

      Hi Friends

      Intention is to me is like what are your aiming at ? My intention in this moment while studying is for all of us to to succeed in uniting more to get closer to the goal of acquiring equivalence. Yes !!

    • #55770
      Ed Mereoară

      The true intentions are inside of our subconscious we just respond to our daily reality automatically, we need to ask the Creator to correct us and guide to bestow intentionally.

    • #54609
      Norma Schmepp

      if I want great thoughts I need great desires.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 95 total)
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