What is the real reason for conflict and chaos in the world?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 4. Understanding the World Around You What is the real reason for conflict and chaos in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 86 total)
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    • #43916

      The extreme egoism that keeps on growing  and will never be satisfied. We need to change our real purpose of life as guided in the wisdom of kaballah.

    • #43897

      Our egoistic desire to receive at the expense of others

    • #43853
      Renate Jacobsohn

      It is our inner nature ,

    • #43650
      T.Y. Light

      To drive us to connection above our differences

    • #43586

      It’s the loss of the reality that humanity is one, and we are one with our next. And people want to satisfy their wims at the cost of others needs. They have forsaken the force that can balance the world, wich is the need of bestowal.

    • #43469

      For reflection of real reasons of our life. Never-ending suffering.  Thus.Correction needed as guided by kabbalah.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 86 total)
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