What makes you happy?

  • #28664


    What makes you happy?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 17 total)
  • Author
    • #419013

      Seeing how I change internally. My understanding how everything works. And what part I play in all of it. And that there is the way for us.

    • #367388
      Lu Lu

      What makes me happy is to be alive. Simply another day to see the sun, moon and rain.

    • #359764

      Developing my origin story of relationship and confluence of stories of time, the world, my soul and the Creator

    • #326275

      Progessing Spiritually, self-correction,  and reciprocal connection with others provide me with immense joy.

    • #315463
      Rune T. A.

      When I feel connected to Creation and/or witness The Thought of Creation unfold. It can happen in a variety of ways. The way a mother dog nurtures her cups (goes for humans and other species too). Being surounded by nature (best in a comfortable environment). Being part of a loving group of people. When playing music with (and for) others and we achieve total sync. “Melting together” with my partner in the act of making love. Watching other people full of joy (unless it came from something harmful). Listning to music that touches me on a deep level. When I have been able to help someone or just made them feel better.

    • #305381
      Purity K

      1. Breath of life

      2. Not lacking in any form.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 17 total)
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