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  • Janyne

    Within the last few months after years of developing my spiritual and psychological practices and knowledge. I started receiving gifts in the form of dreams, downloads, images, conversations with ancestors, and with The Creator or Nature itself. It’s not that they weren’t always there but a sort of remembering of these abilities and now exercising of them.  I was gifted with sight that many have yet to attain access to. I, very serendipitously was seduced by The Tree of Life and have since become a voracious student of it. The goal I have regarding these studies is manifesting the waking dream I received. It was images of humanity being put back together after feeling a separation from one another for so long. There were people celebrating and burning money in bonfires laughing and hugging and dancing in the streets. A great reunion and celebration all throughout the earth was happening simultaneously. Our egos were transcended, there was a veil that was lifted. Ever since that waking dream, download, I have not stopped receiving. My appetite and desire is for more knowledge and the ability to serve using these specific gifts that I am endowed with now. My only concern here is this, I do not see the ego as evil or an enemy anymore. I do believe it serves a very important purpose. In order for us to be able to handle the wattage of Gods purpose for us, joy, abundance, freedom, Love, a world without death we need to transcend the many levels the ego contains, like peeling layers off. Without the ego could we appreciate these awarenesses and gifts  ? would we be concious , self aware, or appreciative had it not been for this separation ?

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