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  • in reply to: Ask #386504

    Okay.  I will check on that.  I’ll get back to you soon.

    in reply to: Ask #386298

    Dear Maria,

    Of course, you should decide what is best for you.  I encourage you to hang in a little longer if you can though.  This is why:  By the end of Lesson 4, you will be familiar with all the letters and vowels.  At that point, when you look back on the Hebrew lessons in the first several lesson that seem difficult for you now, I think that you will find them easy and understandable.  They seemed hard at first because you don’t know the letters yet.  Because of that, we expect you to totally rely on the English transliterations of the words in the first Hebrew lessons.  Until you learn the letters, you will need to rely on the English transliteration.  In one more lesson, you will know the letters and this will make everything seem so much easier.  You still may not feel that you know the letters well at this point, but from then on, reading the words will be the review and repetition that will end out making you feel comfortable with the new alphabet.

    I would also say that you are certainly not alone in being a complete beginner.  I listened in on some of the breakout rooms during the webinars saw that there are many who are just beginning their journey into Hebrew.  So, you are not alone!  Be patient and confident that it will come.  I am going to pass your concerns on the Dr. Benzi because it’s important feedback.  Let’s find out how many are feeling a bit overwhelmed and need more repetition of the letters and vowels before going ahead.  I’m sure that he can use the webinar for activities that will help with feeling comfortable with the alphabet.

    I hope that you will come to the webinar on Wednesday and let’s find a way to give those who need it some excellent drill on the letters and vowels.


    in reply to: Ask #385978

    Here is a link to a document with mnemonic cues for the letter “Vav”.  Probably by sometime on Saturday it will also be posted in the Related Materials for Lesson #1.

    Mnemonic Cues for Vav

    in reply to: Ask #385936

    Here is a summary of what Dr. Benzi said in answer to your question:

    “Every letter is 100% egoism Plus some extent of bestowal according to the intention of bestowal it has. when all the letters add together we get 100% of bestowal but still this is considered just as a form of the 100% of reception because that doesn’t change as the Creator created the desire to receive. The Gematria is a numerical value of of bestowal of each spiritual configuration which is comprised of letters.”

    in reply to: Ask #385935

    Here is a summary of what Dr. Benzi said in answer to your question:

    “Every letter is 100% egoism Plus some extent of bestowal according to the intention of bestowal it has. when all the letters add together we get 100% of bestowal but still this is considered just as a form of the 100% of reception because that doesn’t change as the Creator created the desire to receive. The Gematria is a numerical value of of bestowal of each spiritual configuration which is comprised of letters.”

    in reply to: Ask #385934

    Dr. Benzi answered your question during the Wednesday webinar.  He thought that it would be best to answer there rather than to write a reply.  It was a very interesting question and everyone benefited from hearing it and from hearing the reply.


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