
  • #385026

    benzi giertz

    Ask anything about the lesson and materials and get an answer from a KabU senior instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 11 total)
  • Author
    • #387967

      Shalom Hebrew Students,

      Since the Content Summary that I made for Week 5 was useful to you, I decided to go back and make a similar Content Summary for each of the previous weeks.  I finished the one for Week 4 today.  It should be post with the Week 4 Related Materials within the next day.  For now, here is a link where you can access the Week 4 Content Summary:

      Happy studying!

    • #387704

      Shalom Hebrew Students,

      I made this summary document of the material that was covered in Lesson 5.  See whether you think this will be helpful to you.  I hope so.  In a day or so, it should also be available in the Related Materials for Lesson 5.  For now, you can access the Lesson 5 Summary at this link:

      Happy studying,


      • #387889

        Shalom 🙂

        Oh thanks!  it’s a great gift because it is a great help to better understand the whole class and in my case translate into Spanish too.  Thank you!


    • #386919

      Shalom Hebrew Students—

      Later today the PowerPoint presentations for Lesson 3 and Lesson 4 should be posted.  Dr. Benzi suggested that they should be posted also with his speaker notes included.  Even though these were notes for his use during the lecture part of the class, he thinks that the notes might also be useful material for you.  They can remind you of the lesson content and also summarize much of the material.  So, look for these.

      Hoping this will be helpful to you,


      • #387892

        Thanks for the feedback.  That will encourage and convince me to continue to make such a document for each lesson.

      • #387164

        Thank you very much!  It is really very useful

    • #386486

      Shalom Rivka,

      Could you please take another look at the Week 3 practice workshop? It appears that the Week 2 replay was uploaded by instead.

    • #386441

      This was a great idea in today’s workshop. Let’s open a Telegram channel and do our homework together. In this way, nobody will be left behind.

      • #386487

        Shalom Ebernard, I’m open to joining a shared Telegram channel to collaborate further on homework.

        • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by Katel.
        • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by Katel.
      • #386442
        Elle Lynn

        This is a good idea. Not sure how to do it.


        • #386482

          I also think it’s a good idea to stay connected, you can contact me by email: [email protected] and by phone: 0034665397642. Thanks friends.

        • #386548

          Shalom, Elle Lynn! I think our support will create a channel for us. She/he has our connection dates and might like to join us there.

    • #386400

      Dear friends, I’m using an easy app besides the course, for training. There are several to compare. I chose Memrise.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 11 total)
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