Archives: VOD

Internet Rising

Released on 11.29.11, is a documentary investigating the evolving relationships between the Internet and collective consciousness of humanity. It provokes many questions about ancient and modern paradoxes of life, its pleasures and pains… and the gray area contrasts in between – but most of all it is meant to be an inspiring conversation starter.

Wisdom in Action

The 4th World Spirit Forum hosted prominent scientists, thinkers and spiritual leaders from all over the world, uniting to discuss plans to deal with a world filled with crises.

From Love Of Friends To Love For All

What happens when a person surrounds himself with people with a common goal and desires? He is persuaded by their vision, their dreams. So when a person surrounds himself with people who aim at pleasing and fulfilling the others’ desires and by making this practice a habit, it becomes this person’s second nature. He can then extend this love for friends beyond the boundaries of this group, to humanity as a whole.

How To Be Endlessly Fulfilled

People spend their lives constantly pursuing fulfillment of their desires, and sense this fulfillment as pleasure. However, the moment pleasure is achieved, the feeling of pleasure fades away. So how can a person become satisfied under such conditions? The secret to achieving fulfillment that never fades away is to change the way that pleasure is received. What holds the key for this change? And what can connect people to the spiritual system where everybody can be filled with never-ending pleasure?

It Takes a Baby To Read The Zohar

For millions of years, the war between hot and cold forces transformed the earth. This battle exists at the human level where the forces are called altruism and egoism. We need to develop a cooling altruistic force to balance the heat of egoism.

It’s Natural To Be Like Nature

For millions of years the war between the hot and cold forces transformed the earth’s environment. Eventually, the cold forces balanced the hot forces and formed a solid crust that could sustain life and evolution. The battle between these two forces is still present in every particle of existence. At the human level of existence, these forces are called altruism and egoism. Until now, humanity was guided by the egoistic force with no counterbalance. The result of this egoistic attitude is evident in our social, economic, and environmental crises. We need to develop a cooling altruistic force to balance the heat of egoism.

Kabbalists Don’t Live In Caves

The days are gone when Kabbalists lived in caves and hid their studies from the world. Today, Kabbalists live like normal people but what makes them different is the intention behind their actions.

Kabbalists Have Big Mouths

The road to success is paved with greater efforts today than were exerted yesterday. When a king is served a savory meal, he is not satisfied until the very last bite. We see that the exertion outside of one’s comfort zone counts towards progress.

Only The Last Bite Counts

The road to success in every activity is paved with efforts that were greater than yesterday’s efforts. Only the exertion outside of one’s comfort zone counts towards one’s progress. When a king is served with a savory meal, which has been meticulously and lovingly prepared, he is not satisfied until the very last bite. It is from this last bite that he receives what is called satisfaction.