10 Top Secrets – Introduce Yourself

Inicio Foros 10 Top Secrets – Introduce Yourself

  • #298417


    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

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  • Autor(a)
    • #384564
      Annabella Thom

      Hi I´m Annabella, and this will be my next step within introducing myself to the teachings of Kabbalah, before starting to read it.

    • #374040
      Mariana Angelova

      My name is Mariana, and I live in London. I am eager to expand my knowledge and understanding of the connections and relationships between the visible and invisible, the known and the limitless possibilities of the unknown.

    • #370293
      Glen Holcomb

      Greetings.  I’m Glen (Ben as Jewish).  I started Kabbalah study back in like 1972 or so.  USMC for some years and now in San Francisco.

    • #368485
      Tracy Russ

      My name is Tracy and I live in the Caribbean (Tortola). From this course, I would hope to have a deeper yearning for the Creator and deeper connection among friends. I hope to percieive the reality through the lense of Kabbalah.

    • #361670
      Yves Kamami

      Hi I’m interested in getting more knowledge about Kabbalah. Thank you !

    • #360276
      Albert Aoun

      I am Albert, studying Hebrew. Trying to understand what is Kabbalah and dive if ready into its wisdom.



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