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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #219412
      Sam Ben-Yosaif

      Hello, do we learn the 10 Sefirot here or the 4 worlds? What all do we learn? Can someone give me a comprehensive list of topics? Just want to make sure I’m in the right place.

      • #219791

        Hi Sam,

        After you complete these courses and move to the Graduate Environment, you’ll be invited to Pticha (Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah) where you’ll be exposed to all of this material including live lessons as well as recorded ones.



    • #219225
      humehr garivani


      i get tired after pray (islamic pray).

      is it normal?

      • #219789

        Hi Humehr,

        Not sure what prayers you’re talking about. In Kabbalah we don’t refer to a prayer as something you recite or read. However any time you’re making efforts to think about something outside of your ego the body will reject it and you might feel this as being tired. But again, we can’t give any feedback on anything not related to Kabbalah.



    • #219103

      I have a question about responsibility and guilt.

      For the past two years, I have been confronted with similar situations on multiple fronts. Only now did I realise that my main driving force behind many behaviours is guilt. The situations are always the same. I see where something is headed and I have ideas how to prevent it or how to better it. At the same time, it is not really quite my business. So, in order to change anything I would have to go out of my way.

      It feels like realising this is a good first step and now the Creator will probably not have to show me these situations on so many fronts at the same time. After all, I will be attentive and willing to look at one situation to learn what I need to learn.

      I know that Kabbalah does not speak of morals. It does not say whether I should feel guilty for something or not and it talks about corporeal actions even less. I also understand that whatever my decisions in these situations are, they will always be the result of an egoistical calculation. I cannot outsmart that and so I do not try to fool myself.

      Still, I want to know what Kabbalah has to say about guilt and about responsibility. Is there something that I can do with this emotion as long as I do not yet have a TEN?

      • #219129

        Hi Niklas,

        Guilt is the ego making up for wrong calculations. It’s just another mechanism to receive something from loss. The ego is very cunning. With time you’ll be able to sniff out all its tactics more quickly. This is just another one.

        You feel whatever emotion the Creator wants you to feel, but instead of thinking that it’s you that did wrong, immediately relate it to the Creator, and there’s truly no one to blame. None else besides Him.



        • #219158


          So what I take from this is that the advice for my mind is: “Do whatever, know that it is the Creator, blame it on Him and know that it is just another tactic of the ego that He is trying to make me aware of”.

          This helps me to focus on my heart instead of the mind.

          While reading this reply, somebody on the streets complained about vaccine-deniers very angrily to my neighbours. I think: “But hey man. Do you realise that you are complaining about their anger while being engulfed in the same kind of anger?” Which, frankly, makes me angry a little bit.

          Same situation. I think that I could help calm him down a bit, but also it is not really any of my business. For now, however, I put on some Jazz in my headphones and ignore him. Choosing my environment is after all the only spiritual calculation I am quite sure of.

          Let’s see if that is what the Creator wants of me for now. I can only work on my level and I believe He never expects more of me.

          I hope that None Else Besides Him will punch me in the face one way or another if I misunderstood somehow.

    • #218927

      Ok, a group of ten can only be assemble if and only if the rest share that point in the heart to begin with, right?.

      It cannot be arranged with secular non kabbalistic students, otherwise it will fail, right? so, i bring my desires and manage among the ten to so choose by questioning how we will bring forth our desires into the group, and by doing so, we as a group pray for each other (meaning the same desire) to achieve correction, right?

      in this topic, i wonder, any desire can be brought into the lab, good or bad, or am i mistaken?, we forge connections, meaning, besides prayer, i must indulge mysefl in helping my brothers to achieve such desire physically or not?

      if we can only gather with similar folks, instructed as far as i have in Kabbalah, how can we really help the rest of humanity if they are completly opposite in beliefs and actions, therefore, have opposite desires, how do we go around to fulfill creations goal? if we are witnesses to such evil deeds many indulge in life.

      Thank you for your time. Shalom.

      • #219128

        Hi Ricardo,

        Correct, you’ll only feel the support of the group, to be able to integrate with them if they share the same desire and have the same goal.

        You aren’t just bringing your desires to the group, you’re bringing only your point in the heart. The “building material” is what you’re able to rise above, put aside, lower in importance – all the other desires which aren’t related to spirituality, or even more ones that want you to be better than others or where you criticize them. These are the building blocks on which you stand to make your plea to the Creator that He connect your friends, showing Him that that’s the most important thing to you. All this while He’s sending you all kinds of confusing thoughts and desires. Showing you different “faces” of your friends, where you start questioning them, or where “they” are seemingly angry at you, and so forth. This is always only the Creator building your desire for Him.

        Helping the rest of humanity is growing this small spark into a flame that you can pass onto them. They don’t have these sparks ready to unite into a flame, only those who were awakened and feel this is the next phase in human evolution. Each organ has a different role in the body, and this is ours. Forget about what you see in the outside world. This too is the Creator. He’s preparing that vessel as well for the correction but waiting on you to begin it.

        Best of luck!


    • #218908
      humehr garivani

      If my energy is not good (that is, I am not well), will the receiver also feel bad?

      • #219127

        Hi Humehr,

        See my earlier response since this is related, but again you’re referring to the physical and not the spiritual. Secondly, you should only be concerned about the others here that are starting the path with you, in this environment. You’ll gradually build this kind of “mirror” where you will see that they are actually you, you see them however you “build” them in your eyes.

        Also, don’t forget the fact that whatever state you’re in, you’re in that state because the Creator placed you there – made you feel and think whatever you’re feeling and thinking – the question is what are you doing with that? How are you reacting to that in order to use what He’s given you to build a bigger desire for correction? Are you concerned only with how you feel? Do you now recognize that you can only about how you yourself feel and thank Him for showing you the truth? What’s your direction after that, do you now need Him to help you attain strength to think about Him?



    • #191311
      humehr garivani

      Can bestowing be an alternative to austerity to increase spiritual strength?

      • #219126

        Hi Humehr,

        How you live your life in this world has no influence on your spiritual progress. The ego has developed since the times of “eat bread and sleep on the floor” – these kinds of limiting lifestyles that bring a person to only focus on spirituality. Kabbalists before us have already made those corrections and we exist in an ego that is much harsher and this approach to bestowal doesn’t work on our modern-day ego.

        Live a regular life while simultaneously yearning for life above what you see and feel before you, above the ego. This is how we correct our ego in the last generation.



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