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    • #190438
      humehr garivani


      i road in a kabbalah book that we must bestow our energy to other always

      when i do it i be sick and tired a little

      it’s because i do it more that my capacity or it’s fault at all?

      • #191085

        Hi Humehr,

        That’s a great observation. We are incapable of thinking of others, this is our nature and no one’s fault. It’s exactly how we were created. We have no force of bestowal within us, this is the thing we need to want and ask for.

        When you try, however, and see you’re incapable, this is exactly the deficiency you need to turn and ask from the Creator for the strength, but without trying and making those efforts each time, you won’t come to that realization and you will not be in need of the Creator. He’s waiting for us only to ask.



    • #190331
      Ty Palodichuk

      Hello teacher! My question is.. is it normal to fear final correction? And how does one overcome this fear? Thank you for your time.

      • #191081

        Hey Ty,

        I responded but I don’t see that it appeared here, I’ll try again….

        It’s normal to feel fear towards anything from within the ego since fear for the ego is the sense that it will lose something, that it will need to sacrifice something since of course, the ego gains nothing in spirituality.

        Spiritual fear will be felt as something completely different – a fear that you will not be able to bestow and do good to the Creator as He does to us.



      • #191080

        Hi Ty,

        Any fear we feel at this stage is only in favor of the will to receive. Meaning the calculation is it will lose out on something, need to sacrifice something that’s dear to it. Spiritual “fear” can only be that I’m unable to bestow to the Creator like He bestows and does good to me. Therefore, however we imagine the final correction within our ego at the time being is really only fear from within the ego which is certainly justified since the ego gains nothing in spirituality.



    • #189890
      humehr garivani


      how can i use tree of life?

      • #189898

        Hi Humehr,

        The tree of life, meaning the diagram if that’s what you’re referring to, is just a diagram showing us the order and the concatenation of these different forces – building blocks – of the soul.

        If you want to “use” them, then you need to build these qualities within you by making yourself more and more similar to the upper force, the quality of bestowal. If you can build these qualities within yourself, then you’re building your spiritual vessel with which you can bestow to the Creator like He bestows to the creature. This is equivalence of form.



    • #189827
      Zealot Mines

      From the further reading: Week 3: Attaining the worlds (page 98-118) At the end of the chapter: “Perceiving ourselves as beings that were created means perceiving ourselves as being separate from the Creator. Since our egoistic nature causes us to instinctively withdraw from anything that causes us suffering, the Creator uses this to lead us to the good. He removes pleasure from the material world that surrounds us and awards us pleasure only through altruistic acts. This is the path of suffering.” I am confused… is this not the path of light??

      • #189897

        Hi Zealot,

        The meaning here is that if it’s done on the side of the Creator to push us and advance us on the path, it’s done by removing pleasures i.e. suffering, and the only pleasure, at the end, would be in the form of altruistic thoughts.

        The contrary would be if we would want this goal from the beginning and ask for it without needing the suffering to push us from behind.



    • #188468
      Ty Palodichuk

      My question is what is Zion to kabbalah? Before discovering kabbalah ive only ever heard negative explanations of Zionists. Thank you


      • #188879

        Hi Ty,

        Zion means to exit—one who exits the limitations of ones egoism and enters the altruistic world, the spiritual world, it is considered that he entered Zion. This has no connection to Zionism, which is a social movement in favor of returning to the physical land of Israel.


    • #186460
      Danielle Vergonet

      Dear all,
      Question: by reading shamati 1, that is to say that there is sorrow in the shechina when the organs are detached from her, and she cannot nurture her organs. Can I say that because we are not connected, the nature is generally in pain, so all the nature disasters are happening because of that, not that we are 100% responsibible for it. It would defininetely happen as a result of detaching of the creator which is nature.

      • #187340

        Hey Danielle,

        Good question. The “sorrow” here is what the creature attains that its “body” was severed into pieces and cannot be in connection with the upper force. It’s something that is felt in our vessels when we are able to contrast the state of disconnection to the state of returning to that connection.

        If you’re referring the whole of nature or from the side of the Creator, everything is working in complete harmony and it’s only the level of the speaking degree that would feel this disconnection from that harmony, but to say that we feel that disconnection is also not accurate since we would have to know what that connection is first to say that we are disconnected from it. We’re in more of a “preparation” state – neither here nor there, yet nature has been working on us, growing us and developing us towards feeling that we’re disconnected and thus the disasters and “pain” like you said.

        We’re not “responsible” for anything, this is the main principle in Shamati 1 – there’s none else besides Him, that’s what’s written. It’s like blaming a baby for messing in its diaper. All that happens needs to happen in order for us to develop correctly and naturally and of our own accord. The problem is only in those who have been awakened towards the work of reconnecting “her organs” and they become negligent in that work. If we were already able to practically begin the true work of mending those connections, nature would seemingly have no reason to continue its blows since we would already know what it wants from us and would act accordingly. There’s also the matter of bringing the rest of humanity to a certain state of despair from its “old ways”, for it to be ripe to receive a new method of existence and that also can’t happen until the previous method has been completely exhausted.

        Hope that helps, thanks!


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