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- This topic has 1,622 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated hace 7 hours, 19 minutes by Verena.
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- August 5, 2023 at 7:11 am EDT #327867NaomiPartícipe
This question is from the Grad class lesson from 8-3-23 Thursday.
If we never get the glory of the Creator HERE, what is meant by the Kabbalist reaching attainment? what exactly did they reach/accomplish?? and is it possible to reach the level of attainment that they reached?
and if not, how do we stay encouraged?
I have noticed this week there has been a lot of friends in despair, feeling burn out, wanting to take a break. me personally I am on a really good moment just absorbing everything right now. and I am afraid to feel what they are feeling right now because I have been there before and felt like I was gone way too long. I don’t want the friends to step away as long as I did…. seeing the friends feel this way made me want to keep a journal of all the “high” moments I am having so if I ever feel the way they feel I can go back and remember the happiness I am feeling right now. hopefully we can implement this to others so we can stay encouraged and stay on the path. listening to the music and watching the KabTV are awesome tools to keep ourselves in the right environment BTW. this whole process has been really well thought out and put together. I am thankful for this environment.
- August 5, 2023 at 9:44 am EDT #327873Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
Part of why friends want to leave is that the ego blocks me from hearing. In fact this is the only reason. You can play me nice music, holy words, whatever you want: I can’t hear it. It all stops at the ear, and doesn’t reach the heart. If a person allows themselves a “break” from what they themselves promised themselves was their level of commitment, this is like a wife “taking a break” from her marriage. That’s how it’s accepted by the Upper Force.
Beginners often “take a break” also before they’ve digested what this wisdom is. For example, you got the impression that we don’t reveal the Creator? Perhaps others got that impression as well. When there’s nothing to do here besides this. Nothing to learn, nothing to know, nothing to believe in. Whoever isn’t expecting to reveal the Creator in this lifetime shouldn’t study Kabbalah.
- August 5, 2023 at 2:06 pm EDT #327889NaomiPartícipe
AT MINUTE 42.10 from the Thursday lesson, the instructor LITERALLY SAYS…. “We will never ever ever ever ever ever get a revelation of the Creator HERE, its not going to happen, I have to get a whole new kli a whole new vessel, what does that mean? Spirituality.”
So, THIS is what made me ask the question,…. what is meant by the Kabbalist reaching ATTAINMENT? WHAT exactly did they REACH/ACCOMPLISH?? and is it possible to reach the level of attainment THAT THEY REACHED?
I feel like the point of my question was overshadowed. I was looking to encourage and be encouraged. But ended up feeling like I caused some offense. I apologize that my question was worded improperly.
- August 5, 2023 at 9:43 pm EDT #327946Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
You didn’t cause any offense. You mentioned a general phenomenon of “taking a break”, which many students wonder about, and so I answered about that generally – not directed to anyone in particular.
That instructor probably meant here, in this vessel with which we perceive our world, which we feel through our five senses. That’s true, the spiritual world is not revealed instead of this world, but in addition. It’s revealed in a new 5 senses. We still live in this world but perceive an additional dimension where we perceive the forces that operate it. Like the ear is the vessel that can perceive sound and the eye is the vessel that can perceive sight, our current senses are the ones in which one can perceive this world; the spiritual 5 senses are the type of senses that can perceive the spiritual worlds.
- August 6, 2023 at 12:35 am EDT #327965NaomiPartícipe
OOHHH! OK. That’s what I wasn’t understanding. I was thinking that when the Kabbahlist reached attainment it was like an after death experience, but I was getting confused because they were alive when they wrote the books and articles. But WOW! A whole other FIVE SENSES!! THATS BANANAS!! (in a GOOD WAY!) THIS IS EXCITING THANK YOU SO MUCH!
- August 6, 2023 at 1:07 am EDT #327999Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
Yeah. No, there is no death, a moment later you’re once again in the only reality suited to revealing the spiritual world while you’re still in this world. There’s nowhere else one can go except here. From this reality precisely, every person will eventually open up the spiritual worlds – and not from any other.
- August 6, 2023 at 1:43 am EDT #328001NaomiPartícipe
WOW!! That just made it even more…. I’m at a loss for words…. LIKE WHAAAAATTTT!!!… NOT FROM ANY OTHER WORLD!!!!!…I will be chewing on this for a minute…. That is HEAVY WOW! WOW WOW!!
- August 6, 2023 at 5:10 am EDT #328012EvaPartícipe
Naomi, your authentic reactions to Gianni’s replays are so contagious, I can feel your “magic discovery” moments 🤗❤️🔥, I am riding the waves of WOW!WOW!WOW! moments with you 😍.
- August 6, 2023 at 12:36 pm EDT #328079NaomiPartícipe
I HAVE to read the answers almost like 20 times! when I first read it I’m like… hmm, ok… then I’m like, yeah ok that makes since… then, wait what? then, WAIT! WHAT!! THEN WAAAIIIT A MINUTE WHAAAAATTTT!!!!! I HAVE been on a waive this week!!! and imma ride it as long as I possibly can!
- August 9, 2023 at 11:06 am EDT #328346JenniferPartícipe
Naomi – I adore your enthusiasm and energy. I have similar questions. I feel the pull to the work, but as of yet I don’t understand enough or have processes to do the work. I feel the beginning of a life long journey which I my energy has built up to start. I hope that makes sense.
- August 3, 2023 at 5:03 am EDT #327742Zorica KostadinovskaPartícipe
I am having hard time separating the behavior in the group and in the corporeal life. Can you please give me some advise how to separate those two?
Thank you in advance!
- August 9, 2023 at 11:05 am EDT #328345JenniferPartícipe
This is a good question. I’m having odd struggles of approaching the work and the every day life.
- August 3, 2023 at 12:19 pm EDT #327761Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
I’m behaving like a regular pretty good person in this world. “I dwell within my people”. I go to work, succeed, take care of my family. The laws of this world are the Creator’s laws. I’m only trying to manage my internal relationship to everything I’m doing. First, to ascribe all that happens, to the Upper Force; second, to justify Him, that He’s good and does only good to the good and the wicked. Later, there’s more, but for this you already need a Kabbalistic group and serious work in it.
- August 2, 2023 at 7:10 pm EDT #327720Zorica KostadinovskaPartícipe
Sunday Young group meetings always overlap with the live events and the follow-ups, and I would really, really want to attend both! So, is there any way to avoid the overlapping? Thanks!
- August 2, 2023 at 7:14 pm EDT #327721Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
Unfortunately not. Young Group, though, requires live participation, while the other live events can be watched in the archive.
- August 2, 2023 at 7:18 pm EDT #327722Zorica KostadinovskaPartícipe
Thank you for the quick reply!
So sorry to hear that 🙁 I really want to ask questions in the live events, every single one of them has something I am intrigued about…
- July 31, 2023 at 7:43 pm EDT #327563zeinabPartícipe
Hi, sorry for this question, But we have been informed the Creator is within us and /or he is our net level, why then does the Creator need to be needed so much, by His creations, such that His creations must beg and ask for help, all the time, why cant He just empower them? And why does He need praises? like in the Psalms?
- July 31, 2023 at 8:13 pm EDT #327565Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
Does He need praise? Rather it is we who need to develop the approach of praising a force that is Higher than us. It’s the same with prayer. There’s an Upper Force that doesn’t respond unless I develop toward it in the property beseeching, asking.
- July 31, 2023 at 2:37 pm EDT #327538ToddPartícipe
At the point i am at is it good idea study all the versions of pticha bnei baruch has out there, such as from rav, seth, Eran and so on to increase my desire for spirituality?
Could you give me a list of say the top 5 things to do to increase the desire for spirituality at the point I am at in order of importance?
- July 31, 2023 at 8:08 pm EDT #327564Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
Be in the Young Group and all the graduate lessons, and then Dr. Laitman’s lessons when possible. Anything beyond that is optional. You’ll increase your desire most by engaging in what you’re most attracted to.
- July 28, 2023 at 11:32 am EDT #327286ToddPartícipe
Are there differences in the purpose of the morning vs the afternoon lesson?
- July 28, 2023 at 12:10 pm EDT #327292Gianni – KabU InstructorModerator
The morning lesson is the most important but the noon lesson is another opportunity to advance closer to correction. Even if it seems to be similar words, even the exact same words, there’s a hidden correction in each of Dr. Laitman’s lessons.
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