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    • #427303
      Ka Bubot

      Hi Gianni,  if the path we are taking is predetermined, how could there be free choice?

      • #427326

        There is a big difference in how we reach the goal though. The goal is predetermined because there can’t be something better than it: equivalence of form with the Creator. Given our nature, the changes we have to go through are also predetermined. So, it’s down to how we go through them – willingly, joyfully embracing the changes to come, or digging our hooves in, resisting. Darkness is that the next stage of correction nears, and I don’t want it. The Upper Force is bringing these changes over me, and I don’t appreciate it. If I start to feel Equivalence with this Upper Force, we’ll go together, and the process will be joyous, as well as quick.

    • #420497

      I heard you cant truly study kabbalah unless you have met your basic needs. I’m struggling with poverty, should stop studying until I have met my financial needs?

      • #420502

        No, but your basic needs come first. If you can look for a job or study Kabbalah, you use the time to look for a job. This is the way until your basic needs are covered. If you’ve done all you can right now to move toward stability in our world, you can study Kabbalah in the free time.

    • #411922

      Asking the Creator to give you the sensitivity to feel the friends… does that mean that you are asking for the collective?

      Because I have been wondering what it means to ask for the collective and how to do it.

      • This reply was modified hace 2 meses, 4 semanas by Kimadigital7.
      • #411938

        Feeling the friends and asking for them are different things.

        • #411939

          What makes it different?  The intention?  If I don’t feel their deepest desires, how can I know what they truly need?

        • #411942

          You need to feel them, so you know what to ask for. And then you need to ask.

    • #411906

      My desire to be like the Creator has overtaken my other desires.  It is all I think about.  I find myself waking up in the middle of the night to study.  I am not all that spiritual.  I cannot explain this passion.  One of my concerns is I do not really know who I am anymore.  Is this ok.

      • #411916

        Hi Ken,

        Try to temper it to a good balance with the rest of life. As long as it is accompanying the things you need to attend to, like family, work, sleep – and not too much at their expense, it’s beneficial. At any rate, this passion is to show you what kind of passion you should have for the goal of life, but to show you the kind of passion you’ll have to generate on your own, through the Kabbalistic group, using it as an accelerator. That’s why it feels somewhat like it’s not you: it’s coming from Above, for now, as an example.

    • #387740

      So sorry, there is yet another question… I don´t know if it fits here, but I am really trying to understand… there was this analogy of psychogenic transmission of laughter or tics in the recent live Q/A session… now, I´ve been wondering…. In neurology, it says there are mirror neurons; i.e. a polulation of neurons that help us mirror mimic/posture/gestures of another person. Most likely, I thought, these phenomena concerning  the spreading of laughter  or tics are a case of “overactive mirror neurons”… and as a matter of fact, we all have more or less of these neurons…

      Now, anyways, I have been wondering really , if we are but fractals of that one organism, the “creture”, and each “fractal” that is starting to attain spiritual development, is making to change “the whole organism”,… is it that in a way those fractals that we are, are like a specific “cell population” in terms of this organism? Is it that when the point in the heart sparks up, we are just following kind of a “programme”, because that´s what we are then… determined to be “this part” in the whole organism? I wouldn´t mind if that´s what it is… I am just wondering why it´s happening at all, and why just to some human beings, and why it feels so natural to do it…

      • #387792

        Yes, I’m still fully operated, even when the Point in the Heart awakens. It’s a desire too, but which is uninterested in what’s going on in this world of child’s play, wants to reach the Upper World and nothing else. This knowing Point knows there’s nothing to do here but live and realize it [the Point]. But it gets swallowed by other desires that use this force for other purposes, and keep it from being realized. It’s only hope is an environment that strengthens it’s spiritual aspiration.

    • #387440

      Hi Gianni, thanks so much for the awesome video… and same for those in the course „Emergent Universe“, they are really fascinating. Anyways, I do have a question about predetermination, which I have been trying to understand for a bit. I am getting that  idea of predetermination being like a „big plan of development“, which we cannot grasp in our lives due to our limited perception. Now, I have been wondering about the elements of predetermination. Is it like there are two different ways of predetermination – like fix-points on the one hand, and options on the other? Like, for example, one predetermined event could be a car crash – if it would be a fix point, that would mean the decision has been made before I incarnated, and no matter what, I will be in that car at the given time and place, and the crash will happen. Or, if it was a flexible option, it might have been predetermined that in case I need to be pushed into a certain direction, to get the chance to develop my desires, the car crash might be a viable option, and in case I need that push, I will be in that car at the given time and date, and will be exposed to the crash. Does it work anyhow like that? Or did I get it wrong? Or is it just fix points and no flexible options? Thanks so much 🙂

      • #387446

        Hi Verena,

        Let’s say that everything in the Plan of Creation has to happen because it all exists at the level of Roots. But how it unfolds and is experienced is where we have choice. I can’t clarify it further than that because the concealment on this is there for a reason. But in greater momentum toward the spiritual goal, we are always in the best possible states.

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