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Inicio Foros Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 2. Four Phases of Direct Light Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor.

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    • #426366

      Regarding the last video in this digital order: are we – people and desires to receive – actually descending or ascending? And regarding phase 4 – does it mean that for example when we take off the body, or as we achieve that state of Malchut, we are both in one? Malchut and Keter?

      • #427000

        We’re below this whole process. In the later videos we will learn how the one whole desire descended, and was broken, and became incorporated of both qualities of Bina and Malchut.

    • #387798

      Thanks so much  for answering all these questions… it’s really helpful!!! I find all this quite overwhelming…and I am still wondering about why a desire is called a desire- not in terms of the word meaning , but in terms of its energy… is it called a desire because it’s a form of let’s say an energy with direction to fulfillment? So there’s no deviation of its direction and purpose? Like it HAS to come to fulfillment?

      • #387800

        A desire is a lack for something specific. And yes, it has fuel when it has the possibility of a payoff for the expenditure of effort. It works exactly as a gas tank, in this regard.

    • #387738

      I´ve got a question, because I am not quite understanding the real meaning of “desire”. is a desire the spark that lights every creation? Are we a desire, just like all plants, animals a.s.o.? Or is a desire a spark the we have to lighten ourselves?

      • This reply was modified hace 6 meses, 1 semana by Verena.
      • #387791

        We have a hard time identifying it only because that’s all there is, in us, outside us…

    • #387445

      Hi, there is one more question that just popped up with th quiz…

      I am not quite getting how in terms of creation desires are processed throughout  the four phases of light. Is creation an entity, something that developed or happened „once“ and „as a whole“ ( hard to understand when taking away time and space, but anyways), or is it a repetitious process, and every desire is transformed through those four phases, like energy waves that are being transformed through their environment one by one?. In other words, is creation happening „once“ or is it happening again and again?

      • #387448

        It’s happening on the micro and macro levels, like fractals, where each small part is a copy of the whole. There’s something to both options you presented. Both are true.

        • #387451

          Thanks, this is all truly and deeply fascinating… and touching 🙂

    • #387444

      I understood from the other courses, that Malchut is the only phase in which the inanimate/vegetative/animate and speaking matter comes to realisation, i.e. that only in Malchut our human existence, including all on earth and space, comes to „be“ (as much as to be really exists…). Is that correct?

      • #387450

        There are other instances of Malchut, but yes, it’s realization as the true Malchut that has to be corrected and can only be with the help of the Upper Light, is realized from our world up.

    • #364004
      Lu Lu

      I understand Bestow, but how do you know when to receive?

      • #364064

        Hi Lulu,

        You’re right – according to this wisdom I need to Bestow all the time. I don’t know what that is yet, it’s not something I’m imagining. But let’s say I already know how to do it. When I Bestow for the first time – meaning I’ve completely risen above my Desire to Receive – then, I’ll have a clear indication that the only way to bestow further is to receive, starting with the lightest of all my desires.

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