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    • #289278

      Hello Gianni

      I m curious about the lights that come down to shine in Machut. Is Nefesh the only light that will descend to Malchut, Does this process of the descent of lights happen every time we have a desire  to be fullfilled?Are we influences in any way by the lights above Malchut?

      Thank you

      • #289354

        This is the process of correction, where the biggest Light never goes inside the biggest Kli. But actually here we are talking about a single Kli, and this is just how the Lights enter it.

        Now, this does not apply to us here in our imaginary world. If we would not always see everything through our egoistic lens we’d be able to see that NO Light ever actually reaches us. Rather we are always heading towards Light, but when we get to it, it turns out to be a mirage. Because our world has over it a forcefield that allows for the illusion of fulfilment but never fulfilment itself. In all of history, no one ever received.

    • #288070
      Fou lu

      Hi Giannia, it’s Julio here, it appears that Reshimot is everything in the system, and as a full time entrepreneur in Indonesia (developing state) at first kabbalistic mindset is exclusively for intention before all actions, but it branches out and applies to everyday work, for example some projects that i do on my own with proper vision and execution (build up Kisuf) doing well, whereas other projects that ventures with other partners seems trickier, even though i did proper teething on both, my question is since the corporeal world must be governed, is there a way to study the interactions? Do we have to work with people of the same mindset? Or do we just build an internalization and view from our masach thus provide corporeal platform enough for other partners’ ego or desires to grow mature on its own?

      • #288098

        Hi Fou Lu,

        No, what you’re doing in this world is not spiritual. It’s best not to try to imagine how the spiritual is taking place in your daily life, since it’ll be incorrect, and you’ll think you’re already performing spiritual actions; which means you won’t have a deficiency to actually attain spirituality. The Restriction is not in your hands to do, and before that, there is no spiritual action. It’s only through the Reforming Light that one draws through more and more study of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Moreover, you can’t start this work with your business associates. Not even privately, without them knowing about it. In your life, you have just one thing you can do, and that is to try to feel that everything is coming from a single Upper Force and not from many forces, including all of your partners and so on. Other than that, the work has to be done here, in this Kabbalistic group.

    • #284052

      Wanneer er geen equivalence of vorm is   gelijkwaardigheid   kunnen  we nooit samen komen,.

      Dat is zo met verschillende karakters tussen mensen     maar dus ook  in de spirituele wereld

      Dat verontrust me toch wel   en dat maakt het extra moeilijk    of is dat net wat  we moeten leren?

      • #284078


        When there is no equivalence or form equivalence we can never come together.

        That is the case with different characters between people, but also in the spiritual world

        Doesn’t that worry me and that makes it extra difficult or is that just what we have to learn?

        There’s no need to worry. The transition from reception to bestowal is IMPOSSIBLE. But there is a transformative force in nature that you can draw, which can transform one’s nature, which is one’s inevitable destiny. Only we can draw this force of transformation faster than Nature is pushing us all to reach this change. If we draw it through this study, it will be fun, pleasant, an adventure. If Nature pushes us to it it will be horrifyingly unpleasant, as we’re starting to see in the world today. We should run towards this goal, the purpose of life, start being active participants in Nature’s plan. Thus we become partners with the Upper Force.

    • #281548
      Sol Belo

      ZA is not a Sefirot per se but Tiferret is?

      • #281552

        Your thinking is correct. However, not exactly.

        There are ten sefirot. Keter, Hochma, Bina, Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzah, Hod, Yesod, Malchut.

        Sometimes we only talk about 5 though, in which case the group of Sefirot that includes Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzah and Hod is referred to as either “zeir anpin” or “tifferet”.

        For example, Tifferet is generally more relevant when we talk about how the degrees unfold from Above downwards; whereas when we attain the degrees from below, Zeir Anpin is especially relevant. Zeir Anpin is Aramaic for “small face”, which means a small Light that can be attained at that degree.

    • #281470
      W Kabu 10-Joy

      I clarified what I meant by editing that question about Tifferet and Zeir Anpin, but the system wouldn’t update it, nor allow me to delete it. So here’s the clarified question: Is Tifferet, as in pg. 567 of the Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, the same as Zeir Anpin in the inverse relationship between the lights and the vessels?

      • #281482

        Hi Joy,

        Yes, Tiferet is used almost interchangeably with ZA. Although there’s a reason for the two names that will matter when more details become relevant.

        • #281505
          W Kabu 10-Joy

          Thank you. I gratefully look forward to the time when I am ready for more details that will help me to correct and connect.

    • #281469
      W Kabu 10-Joy

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Is Tifferet the same as Zeir anpin?</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Tifferet or Zeir Anpin</p>

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