Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #57262

      By connecting, making an effort.

    • #57225

      By connecting.

      By changing the intentions of the will to receive.

    • #57194
      Bonnie A. Bus

      I wonder how to deal with friends who like recieve and recieve and recieve…etc In a way how do I deal with giving, if a friend never stops rcieveing?  To be honoust I feel naive.

      • #57203

        Hi Bonnie,

        That’s a good question. If you still didn’t find the answer, please ask it in the questions forum and we can answer it for you.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56970

      To develop a relatioship with the upper force  and being aware of how his actions affect us and how our actions affect the light in our  kli positively or negetively.

    • #56950

      To get in touch with the upper force I will have to achieve equivalence of form, which will happen eventually. From my understanding equivalence of form only needs to be a small amount, enough to indicate my true intention, my true desire, my true longing. I think that equivalence of form is achieved by connecting with others on the same path, tuning with truth and trying to live it, learning the Kabbalah and applying it (which is the same thing as the former), not judging others (what others choose to do is their business, my business is to achieve equivalence of form), just feeling the joy in creation and ascribing it to the upper force, that holds and guides me. It’s a relief and a huge delight to be on this path and I wonder where it will lead me.

    • #56490

      Ik voog de lessen van Kabbalah, ik probeer verbindingtem aken met de Upper force de Schepper door in mezelf correcties aan ter brengen in mijn denekn. De natuur, de werled rondom mij spreekt van deze kracht van de schepper die het goede wil voor ons. Ik wil leren ontvangen met het doel te geven en de Schepper te plezieren.

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