Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #356797

      To shift from an egoistic perception of reality to one based on bestowal means that I shift from my view of myself at the center of all that happens around me, and the way it impacts my pleasure/happiness, to one where I sense the Creator at the center, directing everything, good and bad from my point of view but actually always good from His. My task is then to look for the good purpose in the events, how they are designed to help me discover some things about my over-bearing ego, my misinterpretation of the good in events and people I don’t enjoy. The Group is a place to join my intentions to transform to a correct view of reality, that is the Creator’s intention to bestow only goodness, with my fellows/neighbors/friends. This uniting of intentions will attract the reforming light to reveal the truth of my character, the areas where my ego is dominating and need correction. It is the place to learn to put my ego to one side and focus on the needs of my group members … knowing this pleases the Creator, helps my intention conform to be more in line with His, and draws me closer to Him.

    • #356690
      Tammy Ardoin

      We are connected in the desire, ” there is none else besides him”, which in turn helps us to see that there is only self and the Creator, we learn to see others as the Creator and we learn that ALL is done by the Creator, good and Bad

    • #338453

      No longer living solely for my own self-interests. Looking outside what I think is my reality and finding one that’s more real and made more real by the connecting with other human beings. This reality is one of mutual bestowal, rising above the desire to only receive.

    • #337988
      Karen Assayag

      This question was already asked in previous modules.

    • #337946
      Esther Benzaquen

      The shift from a selfish perspective to one of surrender means that we have understood that we are all part of the authentic reality in which we are all connected.

    • #337766

      Later today comes my first first experience of being on a live seminar, & going into a group of ten.  It is also the Winter Solstice, so the moment of least light and greatest dark.  What a great place to start !

      So far this course has made me aware of how I behave in my daily life, and its made me aware that its true, I really don’t care about others , and keep myself apart. Not that I like it, its a lonely place to be. I am painfully aware that on my own I do nothing to help the world, and am ineffective .    That’s my starting place.

      What I m trusting is that, by being willing and open, having the desire to change this, that together with others all wanting the same, that “it” will begin to happen.  What is this “IT” ?     I guess the working together so we join in intention & prayer, so leaving the ego behind & moving into a group mind, where we feel that our souls are uniting again as part of AdamHaRishon .  I see this as probably our best hope of turning our planet & fellow creatures around at this precarious moment in evolutionary history .

      Not that we can change it ourselves, but through heartfelt  combined prayers we will be able to sense , allow, & work with the Divine Light that hears us & comes through.   There is a desire, which is dependent on what actually happens. And what happens ,I guess, depends on how well we connect and how in harmony are our desires.   If we are  able to call up a sense of the divine presence, then our desire will increase, and has the chance to become firm trust & faith.  This is the aim, and once we feel the effects of this connection , we will KNOW  the truth of the Kabbalah. So may it be !

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