Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #334861

      From an egoistic perception, I perceive and feel a corporeal “reality”, where everything and everyone is totally separate from me. I don’t sense myself being an integral part of anything in the world.

      My ego creates an “illusionary/delusionary “reality” of a world of separation, which seems to be governed by  laws of space, time, energy, matter & motion. And, if I want to succeed in it, I had better focus my attention and Intention on taking care of myself,  thinking in terms of “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours”. With my subconscious mind playing my ego’s favorite radio station, WIFM (What’s In it For Me) in the background 24/7, I find myself (consciously & unconsciously) calculating and thinking in terms of how to receive more and more for my sake alone- even to the extent of using and exploiting others- as my ego couldn’t care less about others.

      As my perception of reality shifts from egoism to one rooted in bestowal, I begin to sense my connection with others, thinking in terms of WE instead of ME. I begin feeling that I am an integral part of the general Soul (of Adam HaRishon), which includes all the 8+ billion people as well as everything else in this world. I begin to understand that whatever I do does affect everyone and everything.

      While still desiring to receive more and more pleasure (as that is my nature; that is how I was created), I begin to consciously scrutinize my A.I.M (what is my Attitude, Intention and Motivation) behind what I am thinking & doing?  Gradually I begin to change my intention, from receiving for myself alone, to one of receiving for the sake of bringing contentment to the Creator.

      This switch to altristic intention enables me to gradually reach an “equivalence of form” with the Creator–the very force of Love and Bestowal.  “Love your Friend as Yourself” becomes something real, a principle that enables me (as I connect with friends), to Feel & Reveal more and more Reforming Light and to share it with everyone.  And so, as I change, everything else around me changes! I begin to perceive a “different” world!

    • #334852

      I cannot overcome my ego alone. I cannot attain equivalence of form on my own. I can’t attain spirituality alone. Basically the only way I can switch from an egoistic perception is with a group of ten with points in the heart, a Kabbalah teacher and the authentic Kabbalah books.

    • #334848

      It means to yearn for true connection with the friends in order to reach the Creator together. Changing our egoistic desires from wanting to receive for ourselves into the desire and intention to bestow to the others….this is what connects us to the Creator. It’s a shared desire and common goal we all wish to attain.

    • #334826

      As difficult as it sounds and I am sure we are going to find it challenging, it is as Dr Laitman said the key to the bridge to attainment of spirituality. The thing is it can’t just be for my benefit alone but a benefit for all. Eventually for all humanity. It’s this desire for harmony with nature and equivalence of form with the Creator.

    • #334794

      When we shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal we become more in equivalence of form with the creator and by that come closer to him. We will feel more what it is to be on the spiritual path.


    • #334784

      To have the same goal and intention to be willing to change. To realize we need each other.

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