Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #407485

      We connect with each other and in doing so come into unity with the creator.

    • #406976

      To take the others deficit into myself and they do the same. Then we amplify our need for the vessel and the Creator. It is only a prayer of true need from the bottom of our heart that will be answered.

    • #399008

      Connecting with others means to rise above our ego, which is causing the divide, and relating above it. We are connected in the desire that we sense once we have risen above this ego. This is a desire sensed in the other, and can be included in our own desire.

    • #396955
      David Bruce

      Connection can mean a lot of different things.  We can connect socially, we can connect emotionally, we can connect spiritually.   I think ideally we learn to connect in all of these ways with others.

    • #395664
      Renata Klem

      We are connected with the desire to unite with the Creator.

    • #395596

      The ultimate goal is to try and become like the creator. The connection with each other helps draw the light and raise a prayer to help us work on the 125 states we need to reach for the full correction.

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