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    • #370877

      What did I take with me from the last lesson?

      Assignment 28/3

      Question: What did I take with me from the past lesson?

      The most important thing in our lives is getting closer to the Creator. Simply reading books on our own gives us knowledge but does not bring us closer to Him. However, by working on connection and unity within a TEN, we learn how to little by little get closer to Him.


      Neither my friends nor I have purposefully chosen each other. This has all been done by the Creator since there is nothing else but Him.  Together, being connected, working in unity towards a common goal teaches us self-annulment, bestowal and love.

      Love of God can only truly come when you are able to love your friends as yourself.

    • #370613

      “How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?”

      I do everything during my week to fill in all the necessities to create my ability to be there for my friends. And I do nothing more for myself.  Among my friends, I show myself if I see I am building a connection with appearing.  I hide myself if only my ego will be there. I make myself small to listen and draw the reforming light. I make myself big to build dvekut. I make myself small to listen to your worlds, my dear friends.

    • #370538

      what did I take from the lesson?

      I learned that that I need to practise among the friends to build the feeling between us. Just by doing it you will experience it and you will start feeling it and the feeling will grow by each time you will be doing it. We cannot grasp it intellectually.

      The quote:

      Reveals to me that we cannot do it just by ourselves but we need to attrack the reforming light. We can attrack this by giving and interacting among the friends. W will be changed and corrected by the reforming light. We can take on the light and and pass it to, to the friends. both of us will grow by it. This is how we create together and grow to a higher level.

      I enjoyed learning this together with you. It is my wish that we will grow together.




    • #370449
      maria santos

      What did I take from the lesson?

      How things are changing, even though we are opposites in many ways we are still have one common purpose and we need each other just like the body needs all its different parts and together they form a body. That although I was hesitant at first and really kind of dreaded the first class, I look forward now to class and coming to together with the friends, and even though I did not think I would feel a connection I do, and it gets stronger each time.

      The reforming light is something I must truly want and demand, like a child asking a parent.  If I truly want it, and ask with the right intention, not just for myself but for all, the Creator will bestow it on upon me. Slowly I will start to feel the connection, a true connection, where I think about the friends throughout the week and genuinely care about how they are doing. I can see this happening already and it gives such joy and encouragement to continue with this and to know that there are others who understand and are there to help me, and I am there to help them on the journey. The friends are wonderful and special people and I look forward to connecting more and more.

    • #370142

      It’s a comfort to hear what the Rav said, that he demands “the Reforming Light.” Its an invitation to us all to this clarion call for the Reforming Light. It’s there for all of us to ask for, from the bottom of our hearts.

      I feel so small, still feel new here. No matter how frustrated I get with myself or how much I’m learning flies right over my head, I know enough to know that we are all a very important part of the real, reality! My heart rejoices that all my hippie feelings from decades gone by about love were not all crazy. (Well, maybe to mainstream corporeality). I yearn for a place where all are truly joined with LOVE for each other. This is that place. The exercise in being small and great in the workshops was heart warming. I feel the connection building between us. Thank you to all the friends that I was in the workshop with. You were ALL amazing!

      I will share more after others comment here. Looking forward to what more friends have to say!

    • #370049

      What did I take from the lesson?

      Many things, concepts, scrutinies, but most importantly: a bigger feeling of connection to the friends.

      Thoughts about the quote:

      I understand from that, that the reforming light builds something in between me and the friends, where there is no more “you” and “me”, only “us” and by that we achieve love thy neighbor as thyself, because from that viewpoint there is only one thing and no differentiation between anyone. And that’s how one can become equal to the friend and love him.

      How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

      By being in the right environment as much as possible and making efforts to strive for connection, elevating the importance of the goal. Trying to add to the society of friends, so that in turn we can be nourished by the society.

      • #370129

        Yes Al. I feel the connection to the friends growing too. Thank you for sharing.

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