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    • #368751

      “Once the whole nation unanimously agreed and said, “We will do and we will hear,” each member of Israel became responsible that no member of the nation will lack anything. Only then did they become worthy of receiving the Torah, and not before.

      With this collective responsibility, each member of the nation was liberated from worrying about the needs of his own body and could observe the Mitzva, “Love your friend as yourself” in the fullest measure and give all that he had to any needy person since he no longer cared for the existence of his own body, as he knew for certain that he was surrounded by six hundred thousand loyal lovers standing ready to provide for him, as explained in the article, “Matan Torah,” Item 16.”

      This excerpt hits deep in my heart, it gives me the feeling of the biggest responsibility I have ever had to commit myself to, also radiates a powerful support throughout the work, even though it feels like a “mission impossible” :-).

    • #368685

      Hence, when he climbs to the first floor, he has no desire to stay there. Instead, he wishes to quickly climb to the second, to the King Himself, for this is all he wants. However, he is told, “Without knowing the rules that abide on the first floor, you will certainly blemish the King’s honor. For this reason, you cannot hope to be able to climb to the second floor before you learn all that there is to learn on the first floor.”


      Similarly, with love of friends, we heard that it was impossible to be rewarded with love of the Creator before one was rewarded with love of friends, as Rabbi Akiva said, “love thy friend as thyself is the great rule of the Torah.” Therefore, while engaging in love of friends, he is not considering love of friends as being valuable, but as redundant.


      I chose this excerpt from Come unto Pharaoh 2. Because it shows how everything has a reason. Trying to skip the love of friends and go straight to the Creator would be a huge mistake, disaster, cause a catastrophic event just horrible. It’s like having a goal to be a surgeon but skipping med school and residency. What in the world would make me think I can just go straight to being a surgeon? (In this case straight to the Creator) like sending a child into a surgery room. I have no clue what I am doing! I have to appreciate even being being invited to attend such a gathering on the first floor, so when I make it to the surgery table (2nd floor) I would know how to handle the tools, (my new nature) and I won’t dishonor the King.

    • #368519

      All creations, except for men, lack egoism; therefore, they have no tools for climbing. As a result, they remain in their preliminary states.

      Precisely for that reason all creations, except for men are regarded as “still.” Even angels, which are forces operated by The Creator through which He governs creation, are not independent forces with their own desires, but are simply forces that carry out His Will.  It is mankind’s egoistic desire that enables us to reach the degree of the creator by changing the form (intent) of the will to receive.

      The soul is a part of The Creator within each of us. Once we are wrapped in the egoistic shell, we can no longer feel spirituality, much less The Creator, because our every sense is immersed and egoism, the opposite attribute of spirituality. Replacing egoism with altruism is like taking off our egoistic “coats” and beginning to feel the entire Creation until nothing separates us from The Creator.

      Our purpose is to extinguish the egoistic obstacle that stands between our souls and the creator. Of all Holy Scriptures, the Kabbalah is the most efficient in entertaining that goal. It is the study with the most powerful spiritual light that shines during the study.

      The Path of Kabbalah, Page 336

      Gives me hope and comfort that I will be able to draw close to The Creator.  Like going home.  I have an intense longing, like an anxiety, to be with The Creator and this gives me peace in that area of my heart.

    • #368316

      “Hence, it is good that there will be equality among the friends who unite, so one can be annulled before the other.”

      I chose this verse because it elevates us all to who we really are; the”egoless” soul created by our creator, equally loved by our creator.

      And for last week’s question which I failed to answer. I make myself Rav when I integrate and incorporate his teachings into my heart and into my life.

    • #368312

      And as Hillel said to the convert who asked him, “Teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot.” And he said to him, “Don’t do unto your friend what is hateful to you. The rest is commentary.” Since by the love of others one comes to the love of the Creator, and then all the Torah and all the wisdom are in a person’s heart.

      I chose this because I think it shows simplicity, brilliance, and maybe even a little humor in a very serious kind of way. I feel that this is basically a life principal, one that all humanity should adhere to. Also, I feel it’s kind of relevant to our studies and practices etc. in the young group.

      I think it shows the brilliance and wisdom of the Sages and Rabbis of Israel, simplified down for people like me.


    • #368303

      I’ve read this one a dozen times or more. “It is written, “there is none else besides Him.” I made a cover to go over my Shamati book so I could take it with me where ever I go. Things in my purse can get pretty tattered so I wanted to protect this book. It’s one of my favorites. (…well, I love them all but this one has something in it that really ‘speaks’ to me). I read this verse and the following words in that first paragraph often to remind me of the real, reality. I read it with the intention and prayer to gain more understanding of my place in this reality… to ask for the training my heart needs to take my place in this society. And, I ask for correction and to understand and feel my way to the center line. (It’s a bumpy ride so this verse is kinda like my anchor. I read it almost daily, and think it from the heart many times daily).

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