
  • #325574

    Gil Shir

    Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 55 total)
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    • #326814
      Angelica Watson

      Hello Gil,

      is it important in which order do we draw the lines in each letter? Some of them feel more natural to me to draw in different sequence then it is suggested.

      Thank you

      • #327007

        It’s not a must, but as in your native language, there is the taught way to write each letter, and it’s based on convenience.  If you find it easier to do it your way, that is also fine.

    • #326809
      Spyros V

      Hello Gil, the ancient hebrew letters were the same with the aramaic ones?

      Thank you

    • #326454
      Jeane Kelso

      Gil, how does one sense what world or worlds one has attained? Does each world feel differently according to the Kabbalists?

      Todah raba!!! (This question came to me while watching your video re. Kabbalistic Concept – Devekut/Dalet).


      • #326559

        Hi Jeane, Yes each spiritual degree has unique characteristics that are attained within a spiritual sense. Take the sense of sight for example – one can clearly see the difference between blue and red since they have different characteristics.

    • #326349
      Rune T. A.

      Hello Gil.

      Is there no knowledge of the geometrical structure on Gimel, or did you perhaps forget to put it in the lesson? 😀

      • #326354

        Hi Rune,
        Currently there is only the geometrical structure of the letters alef, bet, dalet, hey vav and tzadik (partially).
        Hopefully over the next 2 months we will be adding more letters.

    • #326286
      Adelina Santos

      Hi Gil

      Why the letter alef has different pronunciations?

      Thank you


      • #326341

        Hi Adelina,
        The pronunciation of a letter depends on the word and vowel. To give an exmaple from english the word APPLE and AEROPLANE both start with the letter ‘A’ but the former sounds ‘Ah’ and the latter ‘Eh’

    • #326184
      Luthien Kennedy

      Hi Gil! I just finished the lesson on Black and White, and I was wondering if we should view ourselves as the light when bestowing to the friend (I.e.. we take the form of their desire by understanding their restriction in order to fulfill their desire, which was Created by the Creator) and as the letters when the friends are bestowing to us (I.e. we restrict ourselves from asking to receive for our own pleasure, to receive instead innbalance with what Creator/friends wish to bestow, thus reflecting them)?  In essence Torah is the friends, mitzvot is my bestowal to their desires, and Creator is the love and faith required to do this work selflessly?

      • #326344

        I can’t say that is completely accurate, however in essense it is correct. When one wants to bestow upon a friend he is acting as the giver (the white light) and the friend is in the role of the reciever (black letter). These relations are similar to the Creator and the Created beings relationshiops. The letter however to describe the corrected state between the two forces.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 55 total)
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