
  • #325574

    Gil Shir

    Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

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    • #326024
      Sara Prado

      Dear Teacher,

      I am in awe! I never imagined that by starting learning Hebrew so many door and portals would appear to be opened. And I love the course, though still beginning:). My question is about the letter Alef and the words starting with that. Aron, Avraham and Arnav all start with Alef (and the sound of A), but Ofanaim doesn’t. Whys is that please?

      May the work you do bring countless merit and benefit many beings. Thank you so much.

      Shalom !

      • #326093

        Hi Sara,

        I’m glad to hear you are enjoying the course. The sound of the letter “Alef” depends on its vowel (Nikkud). The letter Alef can make the following sounds: Ah, Eh, Oh (like in Oh-fa-naim),Uh, Ei.

        If you are also signed up to the course “Learn to Read…” you will find there a more elaborate explanation re vowels and how they are used.

        Hope this clarifies it 🙂

    • #325938
      Rune T. A.

      Hello Gil.

      I am very excited about this course, thank you for providing it.

      I have a question about the presentation “Forging of the Hebrew letters”.

      In ZA”T you speak the name of and write 9 Hebrew letters, and that’s fine. But in Z”A you speak the name of and write 8 Hebrew letters, but you say that there are 9. I can’t get it to add up.

      Is there something I am missing?

      Thank you.

      • #326098

        I see 9 letters there..
        Only kidding, you are right, there were in fact 8. It was a mistake. I fixed it.
        Thanks for bringing it to my attention 🙂

        • #326122
          Rune T. A.

          Hahaha, you toy with me and I jump right in. I like it 🙂


          You’re welcome.

    • #325906
      Thomas Galloway

      Greetings Professor! LOVE this course!
      Question – in this section on Gematria, you state that you will provide a link to a longer video on the subject, somewhere below, but I don’t see it. Where might I find it?
      Thanks for any help, and thanks for sharing all of this wonderful information!

Viewing 3 posts - 49 through 51 (of 51 total)
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