A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 5. The Screen A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

  • #55395

    A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

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    • #429478
      Ka Bubot

      Q:  Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

      A:  Man is born without the tool for spiritual perception in order to conceal the Creator. Man cannot perceive Him unless man himself have that desire within him to reveal to the Creator.

    • #429353

      Spiritual perception comes with pleasure. So spiritual pleasure was hidden from ones without the Kli to receive it.

    • #426980

      So that they eventually get to the point where they start to look for the light by themselves, out of free will.

    • #426374

      That the separation is accomplished and secured and by that providing conditions for growth of the desire

    • #425736

      Couse  they have free choice  to deside if they desire to get it.

    • #423560

      The Creator wants that we take conscious decision about our decision to bestow. To get out from our egoistic nature and become equally to equivalents of Form

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