A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 5. The Screen A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

  • #55395

    A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 164 total)
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    • #393849

      In order to develop it from the free will. All other sense have been there since the begging and this one we must attain.

    • #390634

      It would seem that men need to hit rock bottom before they want to turn around and look up.

    • #387736

      I think, it´s because this is where we have free choice… to decide to choose this path. If we had been born with the perception, we would neither start searching for it, nor develop a desire. Plus, most likely we would be content with what we´ve got, and not develop any further.

      • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Verena.
    • #385373
      Edward Onyango

      To develop an independent desire for spirituality

    • #384530

      so that we will look for answers, for the Creator. otherwise we wont even realize lack and aim to be similar to the Creator

    • #384241
      Assana Colubali

      This was done in order to make us look for answers so that we can find the right tools.

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