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  • #128071


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    • #182916

      Hi Paul,
      Welcome to the Graduate Environment. Sorry if it took a bit for you to get an answer. I am not sure which of our lessons on the 26th you are referring to, but in a nutshell, we learn that there is no Light without a Kli (vessel). Which means that every step along the way, it is the lack or prayer or need that is advanced through the process of correction and fulfillment by the Light.

    • #182891

      The request (prayer) from Malchut to Bina (raising MAN), is that comparable to reaching out – wanting to reveal- to the Schechinah?

      • #182915

        In essence this is the mechanism in the spiritual world to bridge between the deficient desire to receive and the quality of bestowal above. It is the way corrections take place in the Partzuf.

    • #128639

      After wactching the lesson from september 26th:

      Is every next step (degree) a fullfilment of a specific prayer? Corresponding to the level one is in?

    • #128632


      In Kabbalah we learn that the soul consists of Shoresh, Neshama, Guf, Levush and Heichal. Our internal desires are comprised of Shoresh, Neshama, and Guf, whereas our external Kelim are Levush and Heichal, meaning “dresses,” “halls,” and “palaces.” They represent external desires. If we relate to them as ourselves, we start sensing the upper Light, the higher life, and our eternal existence in them.

      The internal/external differences, can you explain?

      • #182917

        Throughout the Spiritual states, at any given moment there are aspects referred to as internal and external, these are in relation to the “place” that is being observed. So the yard of your home is external to the house you are in, but inside the village you live, just as your home is external to your body, yet internal to your relation to the world.
        Now that you are in the Graduate Environment hopefully you will be learning soon about the structure and functionality of the Upper worlds, Partufim, Sefirot and more, and this will shine some light on these deep questions. Meanwhile, you are welcome to also bring them to Sunday Meeting with Friends every Sunday, and also, this Tuesday to our Intro to the Preface of the Wisdom of Kabbalah lesson.

    • #362398

      Night and day together is a degree, when it makes no difference to me whether it is night or day, I can be above any state. There’s no relationship to or dependency on corporeal time.

    • #320189

      Once we overcome the ego, it means we got a correction from Above (if we have indeed overcome it). Then we get a new portion of egoism to overcome. But it’s not a repeat of the same work.

Viewing 4 posts - 673 through 676 (of 676 total)
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