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- This topic has 1,217 replies, 472 voices, and was last updated 5 days ago by
Albert – KabU Instructor.
- April 21, 2020 at 6:26 pm EDT #28785
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- May 15, 2021 at 1:06 pm EDT #51841
ParticipantBy knowing kabbalah can we changing our destiny and rising in spiritual life, or we have to change and doing new things in physical life also ?
- May 16, 2021 at 12:04 am EDT #51853
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Mehran, good question!
Knowing Kabbalah is not the same as practicing it. I can load all of the Kabbalistic knowledge onto a computer, but that wont make the computer something spiritual. So it’s not enough to know it. By studying Kabbalah we need to build a desire in which we can reveal spirituality.
See my reply below to Michael for more details.
And even after we build this desire and reveal spirituality in practice, we still continue to exist on the level of this world throughout the ENTIRE spiritual ladder of development. As such, we must continue to take care of ourselves in the normal way: to work, take care of our family, health, etc. We will of course have a completely different attitude to all these things, but they wont disappear.
Albert @ KabU
- May 14, 2021 at 7:55 pm EDT #51816
John Peter
ParticipantWhy was kabbalah hidden? What is different between spiritual and science?
- May 15, 2021 at 11:52 pm EDT #51852
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi John, great questions!
1. Kabbalah is the method of correction of our egoistic nature, thereby revealing the Creator, the general force of love and bestowal. Why was it necessary to conceal such a wisdom? Because egoism was still not yet fully developed. For example: if you compare Kabbalah to a medicine that can cure a rare disease, obviously you can’t take the medicine before you’re diagnosed with the disease, but once the disease actually manifests, you can take the medicine and be cured of it.
It’s just like the 5 stages development of a disease within a person. First a person is healthy. Then he is sick, but he does not feel it. Then the disease spreads to the point that he starts to feel pain and symptoms of the disease. This then pushes him to go to a doctor to get diagnosed and find the cure, and etc.
2000 years ago, egoism was still on a very low level, there was no need to correct it. Starting from the days of the Ari, egoism already grew to a certain extent (and technically the prohibition on Kabbalah ended there), but humanity still didn’t feel sick, on the contrary the ego was the main driving force of all of our development. Then from around 1995 egoism peaked and began to show itself as bad, like a cancer that begins to kill the host body. This is the peak at which there was a true need for the cure. Which in essence is what the Kabbalists have been waiting for all these years, for the desire, for egoism to fully ripen.
2. Kabbalah defines spirituality as the acquisition of the qualities of love and bestowal. When we acquire these qualities, we become similar to the qualities that reside in spirituality and thereby reveal spirituality in practice. This follows the law of equivalence of form. We’ll learn more about this law in the upcoming lessons, but in the meantime you can check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Regarding science, we say Kabbalah is a science because the Kabbalistic method is not based on blind belief, but rather on the empirical research of the Kabbalists. If we follow this method, try to replicate it, we should reach the same results that they did.
Albert @ KabU
- May 13, 2021 at 5:36 pm EDT #51737
ParticipantIn Attaining the Worlds it says “Developing a hatred toward egoism will eventually lead to our liberation from it.”
Is it ever appropriate to develop hatred? Would it not more be a case of compassionately seeing the ego for what it is, and that way achieve liberation from it?
- May 13, 2021 at 6:29 pm EDT #51738
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Marion, great question!
Developing a hatred toward egoism means wanting to be separated from it. Essentially we don’t have the strength to liberate ourselves from our own egoism. Our work is only to develop the desire for this. This desire acts as a type of prayer or request for the Creator to help us accomplish this. And it’s only thanks to His help that we’re able to do this (See pages 35-36 of attaining the worlds beyond for more details).Also keep in mind that that although we sometimes use the words desire to receive and egoism interchangeably, in truth they are two separate things. Our nature is the desire to receive pleasure. It simply means that every calculation we make is to chase pleasure or avoid pain. This is similar to how any other animal functions. By itself, there is nothing wrong with this nature, it’s simply the program by which we function and preserve ourselves.
Egoism is when this program begins to be used in a way that harms others. Not only do I want to receive pleasure, but I want to receive it at the expense of others, at their detriment. This is the corporeal ego.
There is also a spiritual ego. Spiritual egoism is everything that stands in the way of our connection with the Creator. Normal people don’t have a spiritual ego. This is only something that we discover after doing some serious spiritual work. So when we speak about egoism in Kabbalah, we’re specifically referring to the spiritual type of egoism.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- May 11, 2021 at 7:52 am EDT #51408
ParticipantHello! Can intellectualizing the study of Kabbalah have a negative effect to practice? I understand that I must study with patience paying attention especially to details but I’m kind of skeptical about intellectualizing it. Thank you.
- May 11, 2021 at 11:53 pm EDT #51520
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Michael, good question!
On one hand, in the fundamentals of Kabbalah, we do need to study and acquire a certain basic foundation of this wisdom. On the other hand, there is a rule that “it’s not the wise that learns”. Meaning that reaching spiritual attainment does not depend on our intellect or memorization skills. After all, we can take a computer and load it up with all of the Kabbalistic books as well as all of the knowledge that this entire world has to offer. But this computer will not attain spirituality.
Spiritual attainment depends on one thing and one thing only, the desire. If we build the right desire for it, within that correct desire, we will reveal spiritual sensations. That’s it. And although we spend a lot of time studying, the goal is not to acquire knowledge, but through the study to draw the light, a special force that helps us to build the right desire.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- May 11, 2021 at 12:05 am EDT #51384
ParticipantIn Kabbalah Revealed, Rav Michael Laitman writes, “Unlike minerals, plants, and animals, people constantly evolve.” How does the Wisdom of Kabbalah define evolution? Thank you!
- May 11, 2021 at 11:46 pm EDT #51519
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Miryam, great question!
In contrast to the other levels of nature, humans continuously evolve on the level of desires. At first humans were no different than animals, simply aspiring for the animalistic desires of food, sex, and family. Later on the desire evolved and they began to aspire towards money, and then towards honor, and then towards knowledge. And now in the peak of our evolution, a new spiritual type of desire (the point in the heart) is beginning to awaken within masses of people. So unlike minerals, plants, and animals, human desires keep evolving.
We’ll learn more about this in the next lesson.
Albert @ KabU
- May 13, 2021 at 1:09 am EDT #51665
ParticipantThank you, Albert, for your response to my question about evolution (as well as your explanation of the separation of men and women at retreat). I am having further questions now. My understanding is that Kabbalah is a vehicle for bringing humanity to the next level of evolution, equivalence of form with the Creator; yes? Will evolution stop there? In Kabbalah Revealed, Dr. Laitman writes, “In the process of uniting, we will learn why Nature does what it does, and become as wise as the Thought that created it.” This seems to imply that there is something higher than Nature; yes? And if so, would the next evolutionary step be towards reaching attainment of that? And, lastly – when we achieve equivalence of form, and become able to control our destiny, would ‘create’ be a synonym for ‘control’? Am I correct in understanding that we acquire this ability because our intention and will have become synonymous with Nature’s?
- May 13, 2021 at 9:21 am EDT #51713
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Miryam,
Yes, you can say that the goal is to reach equivalence of form with the Creator. That state is called Gmar Tikkun (final correction). What happens after that? Kabbalists hint that there are further degrees of development beyond that point. But it’s still beyond our ability to understand and research such things, so we’ll need to get there and see for ourselves.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- May 10, 2021 at 11:14 pm EDT #51378
ParticipantIn the preparation materials, video: Seven Basic Principles of Kabbalah. In the last few minutes, there’s some footage of a KABU Retreat, and if I’m not mistaken, the men and the women are sitting on opposite sides of the room. Why is this?
- May 11, 2021 at 11:18 pm EDT #51518
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Miryam, good question!
You are correct. Both men and women attend the lessons, but they study in separate rooms (this was more relevant prior to the covid-19 days, nowadays everything is virtual, so they study in separate virtual rooms). This is because men are hardwired in such a way that they receive pleasure by looking at women (there is actually a spiritual root to this phenomena). This is a natural inclination for men that quite easily distracts them. But we didn’t gather in groups in order to fulfill our animalistic desires, rather we gather in order to attain spirituality. And attaining spirituality requires a strong inner concentration, a strong aspiration to attain the qualities of bestowal. So to help the men achieve the goal for which we gather, it’s better for them to study in separate groups. This will be more relevant for us in the more advanced semesters.
Albert @ KabU
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