Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #59816

      Ok, seriously…where is everyone? I’m not getting any response from anybody and I’m the only one in this class. What’s going on over there? Could someone reach out and let me know why it seems there is only me here on this forum? Thanks in adavance.

      • #62587
        tefo bogosi

        you are not alone. we are here. I realised that at the begining of the course acess to all the weeks was open. several days later, as in the previous courses, it became restricted to one week at a time. I suspect that, perhaps you may have already reached or passed week 3 by the time time the anomally was corrected.

      • #62070

        Hallo Shira,

        You are not alone, we are all in this together, You are only ahead in time: we can react on week 3 forum from september 5 onwards. You reacted on the forum on August 16th. How did you manage??

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