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    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #408437
      Jade Sophia

      I was pretty lost reading the chapter in the Kabbalah for the Student this time. I’m not sure where even to begin. Is it a matter of reading it over and over again over time?

      In addition. I have studied A Course in Miracles before and I see many parallels, I feel like that Course is one introduction to Kabbalah, but it is not reveal this way in the mainstream. Has anyone from KabU ever heard something similar? It almost feels like ACIM was a small doorway and if you get it, you come to Kabbalah…

      thank you

      • #409750

        Hi Jade,

        1. Kabbalah for the Student is composed of source materials from Baal HaSulam and Rabash. These materials will accompany us throughout our entire spiritual development. As we grow and develop, we will reread those materials and they will appear as something completely new to us.

        So it’s okay that you didn’t understand it now. You can try reading that article again in a week or a month and see how your impression of the article changes over time as you change and develop spiritually.

        Also, in the more advanced semesters, we’ll study those articles in depth together.

        2. I used to think something similar when I first came to Kabbalah. But if you actually offer Kabbalah to people who went through such courses or other similar methods, you’ll see that very few will actually be drawn to it. Ultimately, the main reason why Kabbalah resonates with a person is the point in the heart. If a person has an active point in the heart, they will be drawn to study Kabbalah, if not, then it does not matter what they have read or experienced in life, they naturally wont find anything special about it.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #408413

      In my experience the Path of suffering leads me to the Path of light. Because allways after painfull situations i can see the light behind the suffering. So does it have to be two separeted paths and why not conected or related? Suffering leading to awareness therefore leading to light? Thank you

    • #408405

      Where i can found the reading materials for lesson 3?

    • #408380

      We learned that the soul of Adam Ha Rishon scattered first in 600,000 pieces and later in 8 billion pieces. Our task is to bring our individual piece back to the Light. Is the piece that we have to bring back a unique piece of the puzzle? In other words, do we all have a unique individual purpose in life? And if so, how do we know what that is?

      I recently lost my job as a PE-teacher for juvenile delinquents. I loved my job, but unfortunately it came to an end. In the past I also did some development projects in Southern Africa, West Africa and India. Those kind of jobs always gave me a lot of fulfillment, but it were always short term contracts and didn’t pay a whole lot. Later I became an entrepreneur for about 10 years, and although it was financially a successful time of my life, it never gave me the fulfillment of the other jobs.

      Now I am very thankful that due to the unemployment situation I am in right now, I am able to spend a lot of time studying the wisdom of Kabbalah. Has our work/profession anything to do with our purpose in life, or is it just a means to get through our time in this world? I am trying to figure out if I should find my purpose in life first before looking for another job, or just go with whatever job is available? Financially I am not in a hurry, and my kids are happy that I am home more often.


      • #409752

        Hi Mark,

        We all have a unique piece and every single one will need to reconnect their piece back into the general system. But this is not individualistic work, rather it’s mutual work with other points in the heart.

        We first start this work in a small Kabbalistic group of ten. The ten is like a nucleus upon which we build all of our work. Once we build that nucleus, we will be able to add to it wider and wider circles until we include the whole world in that connection. But this is gradual work. And until we build that nucleus, we have nothing with which to do any spiritual work towards anyone outside of the ten.

        So in the meantime, outside of the ten, we should just act normal towards everyone. Not to make a righteous out of ourselves and also not to deliberately cause any harm, but just act normal.

        As for choosing a profession for yourself, Kabbalists have traditionally leaned towards simple jobs or manual labor, since this freed up their minds to think about spirituality while they are working. But it’s not mandatory. As long as it’s within the boundaries of the law and not harming others, each one is free to choose whatever profession they feel is best for them and their family.

        As for the connection between spirituality and our profession, once we start to do spiritual work in a group of ten, we’ll see how our everyday life adds resistance to that work, which is good. This is similar to how a bodybuilder needs more resistance in order to have greater muscle gains. Likewise, we need the resistance from our everyday life in order to reach greater spiritual levels. We’ll learn more about these things in the advanced semesters.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #408273
      Akosua Marie

      Do worldy pain and tribulations disappear once we begin to perceive that it is all planned for our good, when we begin to understand the love behind the process? Do we still continue to feel lack, financial difficulties, divorce, traumas, etc…

      • #408329

        Hi Akosua Marie,

        Yes and no. There are times that when we rise to a higher degree, the problems we were facing on the previous degree disappear. For example in college a person’s concerns is to get good grades. But once he graduates, his concerns change completely and is instead focused on work, family, etc. Same with us, when we rise a degree, the issues from the previous degree can disappear, and we are given different challenges to work on. But until we finish our correction, the challenges will always continue.

        It’s written that “there is no greater pleasure than the resolution of doubts”. This is because spirituality is built on the combination of two polar opposites: bestowal and reception. In every new degree, we discover new challenges and new doubts on how to go about doing this. When we succeed in that, we feel an outburst of joy and pleasure. Afterwards we grow and discover greater challenges and doubts, and so forth throughout the entire spiritual ladder of development.

        It’s just like with the puzzles that we give kids to help them grow and develop. In the 1st grade, we give them easy puzzles. They solve them and grow. Then in the 2nd grade we give them more challenging puzzles, etc.

        Likewise with us, once we resolve one set of doubts and challenges, we grow and reveal a new degree with a whole new set of doubts. And we shouldn’t despair from this, but understand that it’s specifically thanks to this process that we grow and develop spiritually.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #408255
      Boe Smith

      The heart point is Israel

      The Nations are egoistic desires

      Torah is instruction by the light

      Mitzvot is transformation of egoistic desires to altruistic

      My question is how can I receive more codes like above. And please correct me if I’m wrong by saying code .



      • #408328

        Hi Boe,

        We’ll gradually learn more Kabbalistic definitions through the courses.

        Albert @ KabU

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