What makes it so difficult for us to agree with the results of the research on pro-social spending that was presented in the lesson?

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 1. Sharing or Hoarding: What Makes Me Happy? What makes it so difficult for us to agree with the results of the research on pro-social spending that was presented in the lesson?

  • #28454


    What makes it so difficult for us to agree with the results of the research on pro-social spending that was presented in the lesson?

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    • #319385

      I have no difficulty agreeing, as I have felt exactly what the researchers says. I loved to give and spent my time, money, etc. on people. As I used to say: “I prefered to spend on creating moments than on material things”. The problem is that I wasn’t aware of the fact that I prefered that because my will to receive was not after material goods, but after recognition and human connections; and when I didn’t get them I felt hurt or dissappointed. I’m saying more than I would had chosen, but it’s my most honest answer.

    • #316233

      I’ve experienced great joy when able to spend time and money on others- but to be honest – these were only “my” kids. I overspent on them as it turned out and this caused problems 😂

      Still, those are some of my happiest moments of my life, thus far. And I’ve enjoyed since then volunteering when I had no money and those I helped had even less.  I learned that one has to have a certain amount of money to learn ( by mistake) what to do with it. And egoism will always have its way so that enough is never enough…

      Short answer: egoism (doing what it does throughout the social network)

    • #310178

      I don’t find it so hard to believe that this pro-social spending would make me a bit more happy. It is hard though, to imagine that it would make me much happier.

    • #304906
      johan semloh

      Our “will to receive” remains intact and continues to be our primary point of operation socially.

    • #301911

      Because our ego and self interest (the will to receive) that are extremely potencialized by the media and consumerism.

    • #300259
      Samuel Sebban

      our fear to lack

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