What makes it so difficult for us to agree with the results of the research on pro-social spending that was presented in the lesson?

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 1. Sharing or Hoarding: What Makes Me Happy? What makes it so difficult for us to agree with the results of the research on pro-social spending that was presented in the lesson?

  • #28454


    What makes it so difficult for us to agree with the results of the research on pro-social spending that was presented in the lesson?

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    • #219228

      There must be many different reasons, I will just touch on a selected few:

      I have experienced companies using this research to justify lowering performance bonuses and cutting back on benefits. It is all in order to increase retained earnings, providing additional funding for share buybacks and dividend payouts. The focus is not on building a happier workforce but to lower corporate expenses to increase profit. Aka More Disease

      I find each year employees have to perform better, deliver more results in an increasingly stressful environment while living standards are declining. The growth in the after-tax disposable income has not been increasing at the same rate as the cost of living. This results in stress, anxiety and mental health challenges in general.

      So, the research may have merit, however it is difficult to accept it when year after year it is increasingly more and more difficult to pay the living expenses.

    • #187999

      This is not difficult for me because I have been teaching others for many years without getting any tuition and this makes me happy

    • #62239

      Competition and social pressure. The feeling of inequality (boosted by social media) drives people to strive to be like someone else they have seen. The drive to ‘not be left behind’ is stronger than ‘being happier’. This is just an opinion!

    • #56910
      Maria B. W12

      I think it is because  we think we were created only to receive and hence follow our hording ego. However, this is not what Nature is about. Constantly felt dissatisfaction makes us aware and conscious that we all have the will to bestow, too, inherently built into us.

    • #56314

      Hi Friends

      For some reason it seems that at certain point in our lives we tried to put our hand in the Evolution process and only achieve re-enforcing Egolution. That’s my honest opinion.

    • #56212

      I think our nature is very self absorbed

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