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    • #303491


    • #289616

      That went over my head

    • #284565

      Wat wordt het moeilijk. Zeker als de namen  ook  nog eens  wijzigen.  Ik volg de video en  je uitleg als leraar  is perfect en heel aangenaam om volgen; Tot ik de schema ‘s zie  en dan loopt het in het honderd. ben ik in de war.  Ik moet nog veel  gaan studeren. Al  denk ik dat het hart de grootste rol speelt bij  het toepassen van de wetenschap van kabbalah. Het zoeken naar verbinding met mensen met het punt in het hart   Misschien ben ik te emotioneel en moet ik je raad opvolgen en andere soort teksten gaan lezen; Ik bespreek  Rabash en  Dr. Laitman met mijn groep van Ten  en volg lessen  met  Zohar en  dat gaat fijn.   Maar ik hou vol en  wil deze cursus   graag tot een goed einde brengen. In  ieder geval  heel veel dank  voor deze ey opener

      • #284570

        Translation: How difficult it will be. Especially if the names also change. I follow the video and your explanation as a teacher is perfect and very pleasant to follow; Until I see the schedules and then things go wrong. am I confused. I still have a lot to study. Though I think the heart plays the biggest role in applying the science of kabbalah. Seeking to connect with people with the point in the heart Maybe I’m too emotional and should take your advice and read different kinds of texts; I discuss Rabash and Dr. Laitman with my group of Ten and take classes with Zohar and it’s going well. But I persist and would like to complete this course. Anyway, many thanks for this eye opener.

        <b>The wisdom of Kabbalah is not hard, it’s very simple. It seems to be the complex science/wisdom in the world because it truly includes all other wisdoms, and the wisdom of the Upper Worlds, all the laws of reality, the Upper Force. However, all that is within you. And all that is described is the journey not to the far reaches of the universe, which are not that far way, by the way. This journey is from the person to, let’s say, one millimeter outside beyond his egoistic desire. And in this journey you have all the wisdom, all the worlds. And except for doing that, there was no need to discover all the continents and create technology and science. Only this technology you need. Everything else: only for us all to see that you can’t do anything, we’re tiny, weak creatures who don’t know where we are, let alone why we’re here. </b>

        <b>Therefore, there is this Blueprint of Creation course: one language for talking about this inner work, and from this particular language we can draw great Reforming Light, precisely because it doesn’t allow a person to fit it into various things he already thinks he understands. Therefore, it leaves him with a deficiency. Whereas with some of the other parts of this wisdom it is more possible for me to complacently conclude that I understand, when it is talking about forms that I’ve never seen or imagined – those that are proverbially one millimeter beyond the prison of my ego, the Barrier to the Upper World.</b>

    • #283692
      Adelina Santos

      Hi Gianni

      The bitush of Ohr Makif in the masach at Tabur leaves any Reshimo , impressions to the Parzuf or soul?

      Thank you


      • #283698

        Certainly, and this data is later incorporated into the calculations made towards the Creator. Because we’ll have to learn to bestow on top of that enormous Will to Receive, which previously we saw that we were incapable of bestowing with.

    • #283359
      Richard Lively

      I am lost, but I know that not knowing is a great spiritual awakening.  Everything is as intended and ill keep drawing your diagrams and watching the video until it all makes sense.  It is not your fault you did a great job displaying the information.  The soul is the only thing that can understand any of this, so the light is being spread.  I on the other hand “must walk by faith” simply accept what is being taught and wait on the creator to make sense of it.   Thanks for helping

    • #282235
      Sol Belo

      I studied this presentation again, and have lots of questions.  But I hope I will find the answers myself

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