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    • #281930

      Hi Gianni,

      The change of names for the different qualities is very confusing. I suppose it is necessary in the same way as we need the words “father” and “husband” to express different qualities of the same person. But right now, I can not feel the difference between  for example “Atik” and “Keter”.

      Your goal is to offer us a quick overview and a first impression of the whole picture, so that we have a ground to build on later, when we start to study each of those qualities in detail, right?

      Because to understand it on a diagram and to really feel what this diagram is poining to are two very different things.


      • #281988

        Yes, my goal is to explain it in the manner that Baal HaSulam did, but in an even easier way. This preface after all Baal HaSulam considered one of four necessary introductions to the study of Kabbalah. The goal is to draw the Reforming Light, which is the only means to develop even a millimeter spiritually. The Light is drawn specifically when one isn’t able to put the concept into a form he understands – after all, he needs to reach forms that he has no pattern in his understanding for, and he should be left with a longing for that, and not to have the (foolish) satisfaction that he does understand with the mind he already has. You see, then he stays as he is. But now he’s worse than before Kabbalah because now he’s still in this world but is calm, thinks he’s already connected to spirituality. So he has no deficiency for the Light to change him.

    • #281835
      Sol Belo

      I have only the slightest, faintest inkling of your wonderful presentation in these series.  So we got to Adam Harishon ( woo hoo!) So where is the rest of everybody?

      • #282512
        W Kabu 10-Joy

        Our only way of drawing the reforming light is to feel our complete inability to understand any of this in our imaginary/corporeal/5 senses form, correct?

      • #282463

        Adam HaRishon includes everybody, but he shatters. Now, we are his shattered parts. The whole perception of this world – and this is why we call our world imaginary – is an imagination of a reality in which the parts of Adam HaRishon are separated. We need to try to break out of this imagination by moving toward the true reality, which is that we stand connected, filled with the Upper Light. But we don’t feel that yet, and that’s why we need the wisdom of Kabbalah.

    • #185353

      I want to thank you for your feedback Gianni, because it makes me understand that I’m not here to intellectualize.

      I want to ask good questions after watching each of your lessons, but I want them to be the right questions.

      What do we have to focus on before deciding what to ask in any lesson?

      • #190212

        For now, it’s good enough to ask any question you truly have about the material. Later, in addition, we want to try to ask what will help our friends. But we don’t need to worry about that right now because the questions you have, others also have somewhere in them too. So you help them.

    • #127784

      The world of Atzilut is prior to the creation of man. Can we compare it  , metaphorically,  to a play in a theatre?

      The stage is set, the play is written, and the show (play) is about to begin.

      We are only waiting for the actors to make their appearance and the public to enjoy the play.

      That momentum, is that  equivalence of form with the Creator? To climb back to?

      • #127821

        If you wish, you can think of it this way. It’s a system that is ready to correct the desires. The desires need to rise to it for correction. To rise to it is to reach equivalence with the Creator.

    • #62257

      It’s never good to take a break from Kabbalah, but you could read a different kind of text. For example, if the head is not working, work with something more emotional, such as the article by Baal HaSulam, There is None Else Besides Him, or the book Attaining the Worlds Beyond by Michael Laitman. Besides, the Light actually works on us even better when we’re confused, then our ego isn’t as much standing in the way.

    • #62252

      I cannot tell if I should take a break or if I should read everything all over again a hundred times. I feel like all this information is a jumbled mess of nonsense in my head right now.

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