How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #39895

      Pray to live in the reality of “there is noone else besides Him”

    • #39728

      asking the Creator that all the negative things happening to others i will understand and take upon myself. Because of that the healing will happen if i really want correction.

    • #39712

      Pray from the heart to have the same desire as the Creator.  To love Him and others as I love myself.

    • #39668
      Abraham Alebachew

      So, everything is there. The only thing I need to change is my perception of reality by understanding the true nature of the creator.

    • #39649

      I don’t know because I have prayed to receive that I might genuinely help others and still no answer. I realize there are many factors involved. I have also prayed in non-specific ways “G-d’s will” and still nothing.  I’d say only a small percentage of the time when I pray to receive my prayer are answered. When I pray for others a larger percentage of those prayers are answered.

    • #39618

      The first to understand is that G_d is good and that whatever crosses your path is for your own good and the purpose is to elevate you to the next level of you

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