In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 6. Inverse Relation of Lights & Vessels In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

  • #55405

    In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

Viewing 4 posts - 133 through 136 (of 136 total)
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    • #62561

      Is it to draw in more upper light while we are studying?

      I hope to attain the ability to bestow.


    • #62231
      Helen J

      Well, I started with one intention, and now it has changed a little. I want to learn more than I could teach this wisdom to more people and bring the upper light to this world. If I can climb higher on the spiritual ladder, it will be like a bonus.

    • #62178

      I am participating in the study because I have been yearning for spiritual advancement for almost 50 years now. If the pathway is through connection to others and through that the creator will be revealed then that is what I will do. My ultimate goal is to see humanity raise in its evolution to come to a place of peace and wholeness. I did not have the language for this before but I guess that is equivalence of form

    • #59113

      I hope to attain Equivalence of Form with the create by behaving altruistically via the will to bestow. I hope to be able to see into the higher realms so that I can help to bring Heaven on Earth.

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