Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 709 through 714 (of 992 total)
  • Author
    • #42105

      Hello,  I am Ian from Scotland.  I have been a spiritual seeker for man years, and have dipped into Kabbalah before.  Now ready I think to take it a little deeper.  There are no coincidences, and no errors.  All is as it should be, so I am here for a reason.  I’m ready for my next lesson .

    • #42101
      Real life

      Hello, I’m Alex from Canada, I’m stuck in my life. It seems there is no solution for society we living now.

      I’m lost, confused, depressed, i want to reveal laws of universe.

    • #42099

      I’m Tony, I’ve been a meditator for over 20 years, had many insights into the true nature of reality and discovered the power of loving-kindness in a peaceful mind and its connection with G-d.

      I came across Kabbalah while researching the persecution of Jewish people and noticed many similarities with Buddhist teaching, so I’m curious as to where this will go…

    • #42074
      Gilad Yohananov


      My name is Gilad and I am from Canada. I am excited to be part of this course, and I am in this course to discover the universal laws of reality and to be able to experience it with others.

    • #42071
      Alice Neely

      My name is Alive and my destiny has brought me to the Zohar.

    • #42064

      My name is Michael. Ready to receive the gift of giving.

Viewing 6 posts - 709 through 714 (of 992 total)
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