Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 187 through 192 (of 630 total)
  • Author
    • #333720

      Hey y’all, Kelly from Little Rock.

    • #333479

      Greetings everyone,

      I AM James and as a student of life, I  generally study natural law in order to life in harmony with it. I’m interested in ancient wisdom, (western) esotericism in its many facetten, cultural antropology, metaphysics and mysticism.

      Lately, I’ve been feeling a strong drawn towards Kabbalah.

    • #332968
      Claribel Rivera

      Hi my name is claribel

      I want to learn or understand more about my perception of reality

    • #332659


      My name is liv  and i am  curios of the mystical side of life,i have been workinng with tarot cards  and I want

      to know the coherens with the trea of life and kabbalan

    • #332036
      Xac Anon

      Hello Everyone, my name is Xachariah, my boss introduced me to kabbalah and im interested into learning more!

    • #331917
      Derek Godfrey

      Not sure if I introduced myself before. I’m Derek and I’m here to learn about Kabbalah, rather than just take someone’s opinion about it.

Viewing 6 posts - 187 through 192 (of 630 total)
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