Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 547 through 552 (of 631 total)
  • Author
    • #221375
      Melanie Rosen

      Hi Everyone, a spirit name I have is Mali. My roots are Jewish although I never really connected with religion. I prefer spirituality. Much of my history was lost when my grandparents came to Canada. I recently found out that a great great great great grandfather was a Hassidic rabbi. I am hoping that I will find something here that allows me to feel a connection with my ancestors and cracks open my spirit to new and important ways of thinking that are helpful for myself and others.

    • #221173

      Hi I am Heather from Australia.  Just eager to learn anything and every thing about Kabbalah

    • #221135
      Godday Chukunda

      Hi, my name is GODDAY CHUKUNDA and i am  African. I feel happy i got to know about this great course, i hope it changes my life as i will try to extend to others.

    • #221119

      I want to understand more about life and find like minded people.

    • #220979
      Sia ATGH

      Hello, I am Siavash and I hope to play a small role in developing this light…

    • #220792

      Hi my name is Marc. I am originally from Virginia but now reside in the Tampa Bay, Florida region.  I am excited to be here and to study Kabbalah with such a great group of people. I look forward to advancing in this great wisdom but even more so I look forward to the disseminating this wisdom to others who have the desire to know and understand their purpose in the upper and lower worlds.  Blessings to all and Baruch HaShem!!

Viewing 6 posts - 547 through 552 (of 631 total)
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