Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

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  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 529 through 534 (of 632 total)
  • Author
    • #223013
      Daniel W

      I’m Daniel from Nevada, USA. I have read several of Rav Laitman’s books over the years, and I recently started reading his commentary on the Zohar. I was glad to find this course because every time I think I am beginning to understand Sefirot, The Light, and Kabbalah in general, I get lost and need to start over.

    • #222886


      I just started exploring Kabbalah, so I am like a child in a candy store: amazed, fascinated, surprised, not knowing where to even start…. 🙂

      But so grateful to be here!

    • #222881

      Hello, my name is Ricardo Guerrero and iam from El Salvador. I hope to deepen my understanding of reality. Shalom.

    • #222870

      HI im from Indonesia…very exciting to learn this course

    • #222859

      Hi. I’m exploring my life purpose. 🙂

    • #222848

      My name is Michael Copeland. Of the two paths revealed in Kabbalah, I have been on the path of suffering for as far back as I can recall. I believed that there was a way through this for most of my life but it’s been a long painful journey. A friend mentioned Tony’s YouTube course, “Kabbalah Revealed” and the moment I began to learn from him something in me lite up and began to burn like the strike of a match. I watched the entire 6 + hrs of instruction over a couple of days and already, knowing just this much I feel a sense of relief emanating from within. A peace is settling in me. I am profoundly grateful to be here on this journey with each of you, and I am excited to see what is possible you and for me. Shalom

Viewing 6 posts - 529 through 534 (of 632 total)
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