Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

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  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 571 through 576 (of 630 total)
  • Author
    • #219310
      Riley Smith

      Hello! My name is Riley. Can’t wait to learn more!

    • #219263

      My name is Cassonya. I am eager to learn.

    • #219190
      Maria Memoli

      I’m Maria and my expectation is to learn how to connect with a loving attitude, with all elements around me.

    • #219046
      Justin Verville

      Hey everyone,


      I am excited to take this course because I am looking to further develop my spiritual beliefs and I am interested in learning about the nature of everything so I have a frame of reference and a strong understanding of the energies of life.

    • #219024
      Gelaye Gudisa

      Hi Everyone! I’m Gelaye from Ethiopia.

      In my quest to know more I’m always engaged in searching for meaning and existence behind life, from what I know and what I have been through I have been asking myself, is this all? It doesn’t give me much sense, so one day in June 2017 I come across a Lecture by Rabbi Eliyahu Kin and it open my eyes to look for alternative ways to understand the world and myself better. Ever since then I have read multiples of books in Kabbalah and watched several video lectures by different Rabbi, still I’m eager to know more, and hopefully, this platform is the right one to do so.

      Thank you!


    • #219020
      sebastian persson

      Hi my name is Sebastian and i have always searched for ways to better my life, all the things i have tried have only created conflict, the knowledge i have acumilated trough logic have become a way of shielding my self from happiness  , i have a hard time connecting to feelings and my ego have control over my subconcious, i want to become connected to the whole.

Viewing 6 posts - 571 through 576 (of 630 total)
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