Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

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  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 577 through 582 (of 628 total)
  • Author
    • #190960

      Hello, my name is Yahmayim. I’m here to learn what is not taught out there. Always in search of ” what is truth” and wanting to experience it, in this physical dimension.

    • #190636
      Reuven Romero

      I’ve come to kaballah through my occult experience wanting to get a bigger grasp on this stuff

    • #190506


      my name is Seba,I live in Ethiopia.I just want to learn and understand  Kabbalah.


    • #190406
      Sue Witchworks

      Hi, you can call me Sue.
      I found Kabbalah through discovering Magick and the tarot earlier this year, but have been sceptical about the whole astrologic components of it all. By clicking through some related Youtube videos, I found instructions on the tree of life and the Kabbalah and was interested to get to know that whole system better. I do have a knack for comparing structures, finding similarities, etc. which I considered to be just the way my brain works but maybe there is really more to it. I am here to find out. (I have also worked on some kind of literay/poetic system for years now and I found some chilling and intriguing similarities to what I have found in the Kabbalah so far, especially regarding the four worlds and its elements and the idea of ascension. So I am really curious to discover more.)

    • #190307

      Hi.  I am Kelli.  I am having some intriguing spiritual experiences and these are causing me to look deeper at the structure of the world and our part in it.

    • #190184

      Hi Everybody! I am Steven, a painter. I am here to know myself.

Viewing 6 posts - 577 through 582 (of 628 total)
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