Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 409 through 414 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #40940

      Hi, responding to the name of juanga, I have learn that seeking is the path and through the Kabbalah studies from different sources few years ago I have understood that It is possible to connect with a higher non illusionary reality.

      I was born in south America and currently living in Toronto.

      I want to study the Zohar in the correct way!

    • #40923

      Hello my name is Cinnabra Arrington and the focus of my vibration paid off.  I have 4 children recently divorced.  As I started to seek God more.  This is one area i can’t deny.  Is i can say genuinely connected my our higher force.  I see i made a wise decision. The holy Spirit is amazing.  I look forward to this session.

    • #40901

      Hello my name is George from Athens, Greece. I love to study the Zohar

    • #40720
      Zuzana Skalinova

      My name is Zuzana and I enjoy any material that expands the self knowing. I am enjoying all the information put together in this KabU connect context. Keep it coming. There is so much knowledge to call in from all the speakers and professionals contributing to this platform. Looking forward exploring it with everybody.

    • #40681

      Hi All… My name is Immaculate AKA (Mackie) I was born and raised on a farm in southern Italy. my family migrated to the USA when I was six. This past year has been such a miracle, in the past I would have said a    B-less-ing And we don’t want to be less we want to be more, more of who we truly are and nothing less. Before 20/20 I felt that everything around me was going so fast and was trying to catch up or that I was feeling left behind and yet I knew I wasn’t but that was the feeling. When 20/20 came to be I never felt more connected to myself and others and no longer had this feeling that I was alone! I actually was in BLISS! there was a feeling of something greater taking place,  all of these feelings of the magic that is available to all of us started to become clearer to me. I realized that I have been groomed all along for these times and what is to come and for the first time have a sense of being led to my purpose for this journey.

    • #40660

      My name is Michael. I’ve read books and articles in the past pertaining to Kabbalah only going as deep as my mind or ego would allow at the time. I now desire the wisdom which would enable me to be more like the creator and in effect, touch the lives of others.

Viewing 6 posts - 409 through 414 (of 422 total)
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