Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 415 through 420 (of 423 total)
  • Author
    • #40660

      My name is Michael. I’ve read books and articles in the past pertaining to Kabbalah only going as deep as my mind or ego would allow at the time. I now desire the wisdom which would enable me to be more like the creator and in effect, touch the lives of others.

    • #40030

      Hi there,

      My name is Andrea and I came across with Kabbalah recently but I really don´t expect anything from it since expectation is one of the many tricks the ego uses to keep us mindless.

      But I do want to be grateful for this opportunity to gain some wisdom from the KabU community and its teachers.

      Kind regards to all of you!

    • #39745
      Yohana Mlowe

      hallo my name is Yohana, and I’m looking forward to learn more  so I can expand my understanding about self and force around me

    • #39684

      greetings peace and Blessings,my name is moshe and I  am grateful too be able to need to bestow and find and fulfill my purpose in this beautiful awesome expression and experience ov Love light unity and praise!

    • #39557
      Pamela B

      Hello. My name is Pamela. I’m interested in Kabbalah because it’s a map of the soul of man and the journey to and from infinite love. Who wouldn’t want to learn this?

    • #38915

      Hi, I’m Dave, I’m from Ireland, just a life long seeker so no expectations as I’m new to the subject merely come with an open mind. I had never heard of the Kabbalah before I read an article on some blog two days ago which caught my interest because of the concepts presented. I just felt drawn to find out more.

Viewing 6 posts - 415 through 420 (of 423 total)
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