Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 6,211 through 6,216 (of 6,435 total)
  • Author
    • #46960
      Md. Mazharul Hoque

      Hi friends,

      I am Mazhar. I am waiting to find myself in the universal self by connecting every dots means You people. Find the missing link to enter into the Universe through a mindset for paradigm shift.

      Hope he who goes the way, knows the way and shows the way for enjoying the universal journey.

    • #46956
      Aaysha Purnota

      Hi! I’m Aaysha from Bangladesh. I want to understand the purpose and meaning of human life and I’m looking forward to this course. Hope I get the answers.

    • #46913
      Nasir Mustafa


      My name is Nasir Mustafa and im a psychotherapist.

      I have a passion to learn new sciences and spirituality.

    • #46906

      Hi everyone,

      I’m Bolakale, a pan-Africanist and an a defender of human rights. I hope to be introduced to new realities about life

    • #46905
      Tyler Hunt

      Hi my name is Tyler and I seek to persistently perceive the truth in order to consistently facilitate the will of the creator.

    • #46893
      mahmoud sule

      Hello Everyone,

      I am Mudi Sule from Nigeria. I am an Engineer by Profession and retired from our National oil Coy.

      I’ve always been curious about the mystery of life and look forward to answers and enlightenment for a better world for humanity.

Viewing 6 posts - 6,211 through 6,216 (of 6,435 total)
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