Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #54444

      שלום לכולם קוראים לי רמיאר אני מכורדיסטן במדינת איראן

      אני שמח מאוד להשתתף בשיעורים האלה

    • #54439


      My name is David. I come from North Macedonia. I am following Kabbalah on your YouTube channel for the last 3 month. It is interesting for me to reveal that hidden wisdom. It is practical and useful. I would like to ascend as much as it is possible for me.

    • #54435


      my name is George and I’m from the UK.

      I am already familiar with some of the teachings within Kabbalah but I need to study the material and concepts once again as I had stopped studying and applying the principals that I’d previously learned within my life.

      I wish everyone all the very best throughout this course and beyond.


    • #54431

      Hi my name is Alan.

    • #54414

      Hello, my name is Yolanda, married with one son and two daughters.   I have never read about or study the Kabbalah but has been in my mind for at least 10 years.   I am really excited to start studying it Know.


    • #54411

      Hello. I’m grateful to be here and have access to these teachings.

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