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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,425 through 5,430 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #53771
      Mohamad Gorgi

      I am zakai .

    • #53765
      Saskue Uchiha

      Iam Gary, and I love myself incondicional….haha this my sound funny but Iam eager to learn wisdom…Iam from the United States of America and I live in Arizons and hope my locación remainds Secret haha..

    • #53763

      Hello everyone,

      my name is Andra,from Romania but living in Chicago at the moment…i am very attracted by spiritual life since i was a child..i would love to learn in this life Kabbalah because i feel I know it from a past shaman suggested me this! 🙏

    • #53713


      my name is Rachel and i am extremely happy to be here. Thank you for having me. I am a beautician in Sweden. I grew up in a religous family. In my teenage years, i started to ask questions about my faith. I started to doubt Everything i have been taught. My soul is seeking for more. More of God, more of the truth, more of the real me, as Who am i? Deep down i know there is more and i do not know How i know That, i just do.
      I stumbled on kabbalah after my constant asking God to show me the truth. Now i am here. I want to learn with all my heart , soul and might. My soul yearns for God/devine like a woman truely inlove. So What do i intend to get out of this? Well truth about God/devine , through that i will understand myself better i relation to it all ,so it makes sense.

    • #53709
      Ed / Bart

      I am Eduardo Bartolome, 46, a professional teacher. I came to know about Kabbalah through my mystic teacher who passed away a few months ago. His is a version of Filipino Kabbalah.

      I some stumble upon Rev Laitman’s Book and read part of it. I wish to know more about Jewish Kabbalah which is the root of all Kabbalah writings. I hope it can help in my own journey through the tree of life.


    • #53689

      Hello, My name is Edina, I have been watching KabU videos online for years. Thank you for making this available to all of us!!

Viewing 6 posts - 5,425 through 5,430 (of 6,419 total)
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