Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,545 through 5,550 (of 5,895 total)
  • Author
    • #47906
      wolfy bhai

      Hi my name is salis. My qualification is just 12 standard because i have no more recourse so i find new course new knowledge . because i don’t know who i am what is my future now i am learn different languages like now i leran chinese and English .

    • #47903
      Akash Pramanick

      Hi! everyone. I am Akash. The subject is very fascinating and I would love to have the course…

    • #47896
      Dr Dan

      Hello everyone. My name is Dan and I completed my doctorate degree in organizational psychology and quantum physic. I am looking forward to get a different perspective of life outside of my clinical career. Hopefully, this course should help. I love to learn new things and see how all life is intrinsically correlated to the actions and belief you have from within. How can we look into this world with different pair of lens? How can we forget old school education that has nothing to do with how Kabbalah really works? How did you the Universe really was created from that point of singularity? How about alternate Universes/multi verse theory? What is on the other side of a blackhole? Are they beginning of another Universe? How does the string theory applies with the laws of Kabbalah?Hopefully, this course will answer these questions.

    • #47889

      Hi, i am mehran from Norway. I am here to finding the true meaning of creation and life.

    • #47886

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi everyone , myself Geetanjli  from India , I am a Bach flower therapist  and a budding Tarrot reader .I am a learning enthusiast . Here I am to begin my new journey of learning by  going deep to understand my life purpose and who I am . Looking forward  😁</p>

    • #47883
      Jörgen Malmström

      Hi, I’m Jorgen from Sweden. I’m looking forward to learn about Kabbalah and finish this course. I have tried before to take an earlier version of this course but other things has come away. So now I really hope I can complete it.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,545 through 5,550 (of 5,895 total)
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