MHC – Introduction

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  • #378237

    benzi giertz

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 23 total)
  • Author
    • #385651
      Terry Feeney

      Hello, I am Terry and I live in Florida.  I am very interested in this course.

    • #385621
      Dennis Ibrahim

      Hello friends, my name is Dennis Ibrahim. I am a student on a graduate environment. I am excited to learn the holy language

    • #384839

      Hello! My name is Susana, greetings from the Canary Islands 🏜 I am a beginner, I recently joined the graduate environment, I am sure I will learn a lot with you. My native language is Spanish and although my English is basic, I felt that I could not pass up this opportunity because the Hebrew letters were very special in my arrival to Kabbalah, I will help myself with the English translator so excuse my mistakes in communication 😁 Thank you all for being here ❤️

    • #384770

      Hi all! Excited to be here and learn the holy tongue!

    • #384754

      Hello dear friends, I am Shulamith, very interested to learn the Hebrew alphabet and Hebrew. Recently I fall in love with the Zohar, and this inspired me to join this course.

    • #384718

      Hello, I am a life long learner thanks to KabU and appreciate that we will all be studying together. I am a retired teacher and am presently recovering from a broken leg. I have done some Hewbrew study but am very serious about going deeper. Our professor is excellent. I did an earler course with him. So very grateful to all of you!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 23 total)
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