Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

  • #57417

    Preparation Question: How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

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    • #315730
      Dr Jim

      Dissemination = Correction.

      Dissemination is part of a group of methods Books, Teacher, Group to achieve correction. Correction of myself to achieve ‘adhesion’ entails revealing to others how the Creator may be revealed to everyone through their individual correction.

      Dissemination is how I achieve connection with the wider world.

      • #315769

        Awesome!! 😍

    • #315672

      We can work with the light that reforms through the Screen, ; (with our intention).

      We can strengthen the influence of the Reforming Light through Prayer and Love of Friends ❤️

    • #315671

      To be in harmony and in balance with our surroundings.

    • #315631


      Because a person is a small world 🌎

      This is how Kabbalah is experienced internally and practiced as a methodology 💖

    • #315612

      How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system? For what I understand, I can spread the wisdom of Kabbalah once I’ve corrected myself, as my attitude will show the result of this correction to the whole system, thus afecting it for the better (even making someone be interested in Kabbalah if they get to know what helped me “to get corrected”).

      What can we say about or work with the light that reforms? That it is the one that corrects us. And we strengthen its influence by reading Kabbalah texts, and with the “prayers” of our point in the heart (everytime we have the intention to be corrected).

    • #315609

      How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

      Was reading in the Awakening to Kabbalah – “Kabbalist’s cannot change the situation by themselves. They need a group of people with whom to study and help them to change things.” It seems as I begin to study with the group and work toward my correction, I will contribute toward adhesion and the spreading of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

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