Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

  • #57417

    Preparation Question: How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

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    • #221077

      If I can fulfil my private correction it will effect my part in the general system. The more who connect through the study the greater the correction in the common soul of which we are all a part.

    • #220515

      dissemination is equal to correction. by connecting to others we correct both ourselves and others. by connecting with the teacher, the books and the group.

    • #220493

      We are all related and interconnected. If I correct myself I correct my part in all the people who I am related.

    • #220344

      I depend on others and they depend on me. When I spread the wisdom of Kabbalah, I teach others how to relate to me and allow myself to relate to them correctly. This is how the correction is made in the system.

    • #220320

      When personal and individual correction is done according to the teachings of Kabbalah, it spreads to all the people we are in contact with and subconsciously corrects those around us.

    • #220281

      Q: How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

      A: Being a conduit of higher light into this world “enlightens” the conduit, at least during the contact and passing of the light, then leaves the conduit with a sense of lacking–and a desire/resolve for more light, more passing of the light, (and perhaps not so desired but necessary more lacking)…in short, a virtuous cycle/circuit for the world, and for the conduit.

      Q: What can we say about the light that reforms and by what means can we strengthen its influence?

      A: Being a conduit of this light into this world via dissemination of authentic Kabbalah extends the influence beyond our perceived “self” boundaries, while increasing the capacity of our kli to receive more light. This in turn strengthens the influence for us, and for the world we share that light with.

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